Table 1

Screening criteria

Stage 1: Title and abstract
Inclusion criteria
English language version available
Research study (ie, not a report/educational paper)
Research addresses literacy in the target population
Research addresses health in the target population
Published from 2008–date (last 15 years)
Stage 2: full text
Inclusion criteria Exclusion criteria
Some or all of the research was performed in an OECD countrySolely examines ‘digital literacy’ or ‘health literacy’ and does not address ‘functional literacy’ (the ability to read and write)
Attempts to relate literacy in the target population to a subjective or demonstrable health impactOnly examines language barriers and not literacy
Described methods and findingsNo attempt to relate literacy in the target population to a perceived or demonstrable health impact
  • OECD, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.