Table 2

Estimates of the unadjusted and adjusted mean out-of-pocket healthcare payments in international dollars (Int$) spent in the 12 months preceding study recruitment in iGBS-exposed versus unexposed participants, stratified by country

NZero visits (%)Unadjusted mean int $ (95% CI)Adjusted mean int $ (95% CI)
South Africa*
 Unexposed11782.115.67 (7.59 to 23.75)16.10 (7.30 to 24.91)
 GBS exposed4369.834.25 (12.77 to 55.73)34.22 (10.71 to 57.74)
 Unexposed6136.1129.43 (66.51 to 192.34)133.95 (72.83 to 195.06)
 GBS exposed358.6800.10 (396.09 to 1204.11)682.22 (364.28 to 1000.16)
 Unexposed1038.792.21 (52.53 to 131.88)87.23 (52.08 to 122.38)
 GBS exposed2544.0118.30 (−18.63 to 255.23)75.62 (−40.34 to 191.58)
 Unexposed825.0189.05 (−46.74 to 424.84)52.38 (−1.39 to 106.15)
 GBS exposed911.1335.66 (−16.39 to 687.71)244.86 (47.38 to 442.33)
  • Adjusted for age, sex, preterm birth and main caregiver’s education where possible, using mixed modelling (logit and a Generalised Linear Model with the log link and gamma distribution).

  • N in italics is the number of participants in each cohort.

  • N for adjusted models: India: 94, Kenya: 118, Argentina: 11.

  • Negative CIs appear because of delta method used for calculations of CIs.

  • *Adjusted for age, sex and preterm birth.

  • †p<0.001.

  • ‡p<0.05.

  • iGBS, invasive Group B Streptococcus.