Table 2

Relationship between statement issuance and institutional characteristics of 188 US medical schools*

Institutional characteristicNumber of institutionsNumber of statement issuers (n, %)Number of non-issuers (n, %)OR of issuing
(p value)
Degree type12.19 (p=0.001)
 Allopathic (MD)15162 (41.06%)89 (58.94%)
 Osteopathic (DO)372 (5.41%)35 (94.59%)
Geographic location3.35 (p<0.0001)
 Protective7337 (50.68%)36 (49.31%)
 Mixed restriction and protection188 (44.44%)10 (55.56%)
 Restrictive9719 (19.59%)78 (80.41%)
Institutional funding0.68 (p=0.21)
 Public10030 (30.00%)70 (70.00%)
 Private8834 (38.64%)54 (61.36%)
Religious affiliation0.62 (p<0.0001)
 Religious affiliation164 (25.00%)12 (75.00%)
 No religious affiliation17260 (34.88%)112 (65.11%)
Family planning divisions4.60 (p<0.0001)
 Present5231 (59.61%)21 (40.39%)
 Absent13633 (24.26%)103 (75.73%)
  • *OR compares protective states to restrictive states and excludes states with mixed restrictions and protections.