Table 3

Themes and illustrative quotes from 62 statements released by US medical schools in the 6 months post Dobbs leak

Pro-choice themesNumber (n, %)Representative quote
States institution will continue providing/supporting abortion care33
In [our state], where abortion remains legal, we will continue to provide contraception/family planning, fertility treatment, care for general and high-risk pregnancies, abortion, and miscarriage management.
Evokes medical ethics (eg, autonomy, justice)30
This opinion allows states to restrict patient autonomy and to insert government into the relationship between healthcare providers and patients.
Describes negative impact on patient/public health28
Removing access to [abortion] services will significantly impact maternal health outcomes and increase maternal deaths in the United States.
Describes negative impact on health disparities27
These impacts will fall disproportionately on women, people of color, and those who are unable to travel out-of-state for their medical care.
Evokes human rights24
Ending the constitutional right to an abortion threatens the rights of pregnant people to control their bodies and their lives.
States that abortion is healthcare22
A woman’s right to the best health care includes the right to the best reproductive health care. Access to a safe abortion is a necessary facet of women’s health care.
Describes negative impact on practice of medicine13
The Supreme Court’s impending Dobbs v. Jackson decision could have a devastating impact on our nation’s medical practice, medical training, and most importantly the health and safety of our nation’s citizens.
Describes negative impact on medical training11
Those statutes will limit the ability of women to access a full range of reproductive services and of training programs to educate healthcare providers to safely and expertly provide those services.
Acknowledges pro-choice statement made by other professional association (eg, AAMC)6
The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) has reaffirmed its commitment to physician training that supports this position. We are also committed.
Demands reversal of Dobbs/overturn of restrictions2
We call on the Supreme Court to abandon their draft decision and uphold Roe v. Wade to protect abortion access across the United States.
Anti-abortion themesNumber (%)Representative quote
Praises Dobbs1
I want to express our gratitude to Almighty God for the landmark decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization handed down by the Supreme Court of the United States.
Calls for continued anti-abortion action1
I am proud that we are now officially training the first Post Roe-v-Wade generation of leaders who will be Champions for Christ to continue to advocate for the life of mothers and their unborn babies.
Neutral/non-committal themesNumber (%)Representative quote
States institution will follow local laws and policies27
[Our] priority remains ensuring our physicians and patients have clarity when making decisions about pregnancy within the limits of the law. We will take the next few weeks to fully understand the terms of the new law and how to incorporate the changes into our medical practice…
Discusses impact of abortion restrictions on reproductive health care overall25
[Medical school] remains deeply committed to women’s healthcare and reproductive rights for all, including childbearing decisions, maternal health, and their effect on families through our research and education missions.
Acknowledges stakeholders on both sides of the issue24
Abortion is obviously a deeply emotional and divisive issue. There are doubtless many in our university community who oppose the practice on moral grounds. That is of course entirely their right, and their views should be respected.
Describes importance of open, respectful discourse21
I encourage you to be kind. To listen to each other and to respect each other’s position. We are better when we work together.
Acknowledges impact on healthcare that is non-reproductive in nature17
This cannot be seen or treated as a “women’s issue.” Where reproductive rights and freedoms are denied, communities, families and all their members are affected.
States institution is non-partisan or apolitical3
The university has a responsibility to speak and educate the community about issues that impact our campus community without directly engaging in political disagreements.
  • ACOG, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.