Table 4

Relationship between pro-choice sentiment and institutional characteristics among 64 US medical schools that issued public statements*

Institutional characteristicNumber of statementsNumber of pro-choice (n, %)Number of neutral (n, %)Number of antiabortion (n, %)OR of pro-choice (p value)
Overall6441 (64.06%)22 (34.38%)1 (1.56%)
Degree type1.82 (p=0.68)
 Allopathic (MD)6240 (64.51%)22 (35.49%)0 (0.00%)
 Osteopathic (DO)21 (50.00%)0 (0.00%)1 (50.00%)
Geographic location3.35 (p=0.03)
 Protective3728 (75.67%)9 (24.33%)0 (0.00%)
 Mixed restrictions and protections85 (62.50%)2 (25.00%)1 (12.50%)
 Restrictive198 (42.11%)11 (57.89%)0 (0.00%)
Institutional funding1.24 (p=0.68)
 Public3020 (66.67%)10 (33.33%)0 (0.00%)
 Private3421 (61.76%)12 (35.29%)1 (2.94%)
Religious affiliation0.17 (p=0.13)
 Religious affiliation41 (25.00%)2 (50.00%)1 (25.00%)
 No religious affiliation6040 (66.67%)20 (33.33%)0 (0.00%)
Family planning division2.39 (p=0.11)
 Present3123 (74.19%)8 (25.80%)0 (0.00%)
 Absent3318 (54.54%)14 (42.42%)1 (3.03%)
  • *OR compares protective states to restrictive states and excludes states with mixed restrictions and protections.