Table 3

Selected school-based health interventions along with their estimated annual cost per child per year and cost per DALY averted, in low- and middle-income countries

InterventionCost per child per year (2012 US$)Cost per DALY averted
School meals44
Micronutrient powder supplementation3
Deworming: mass drug administration0.353–7
Malaria: intermittent parasite clearance2–424
Malaria: insecticide-treated bednets0.4020–50
Refractive error screening2–384
Toothbrush provision0.50
Human papillomavirus vaccine5–94500–9000
Tetanus toxoid vaccine0.404
  • Bundy and colleagues (2017)9; Fernandes and Aurino (2017).34

  • DALY, disability-adjusted life years.