Type of documents | Dates | |
Meeting minutes | Meetings AI-PASS team; follow-up meeting at operational level; meetings of DHT Community meetings; meeting AIPASS/MoH Workshop AI-PASS: COVID-19 and AR | 03/2020–02/2021 10/2020 |
Directives and communications of central level and partners | Memos; COVID-19-response plans; protocols and algorithms; supervision reports; daily COVID-19-bulletin (Sitrep) COVID-19-response evaluation report Communications on website ‘cridem.org’ | 03/2020–02/2021 04/2021 |
AR documentation on aspects of governance, offer of healthcare and COVID-19 | Decisions taken and strategies developed Terms of reference for COVID-19 activities Communications (informal) in WhatsApp groups of key stakeholders government, AI-PASS team, AR team, community members | 03/2020–02/2021 |
Reflections | WhatsApp messages of AI-PASS team Research notes Bababé Blog Bababé | 03/2020–02/2021 03/2020–04/2020 04/2020–06/2020 |
AI-PASS, Appui Institutionnel au Programme d’Appui de Secteur de la Santé; AR, action research; DHT, District Health Team; MoH, Ministry of Health.