Table 4

Results of multivariate regression for the level of government spending on PHC (2019 or latest figure)

PredictorsOutcome: Log(Government spending on PHC per capita)
Outcome: Log(Total spending on PHC per capita)
Effect size95% CIp-valueEffect size95% CIP value
Government health spending as % of general government spending †0.07*(0.01,0.13)0.020.02(−0.02,0.05)0.31
Ln(GDP per capita)1.01**(0.82,1.21)<0.010.84**(0.67,1.01)1<0.01
Tax revenue including social contribution as % of GDP†0.04**(0.01,0.06)0.010.02*(0.00,0.04)0.04
% of young people (<15 years old)†−0.02(−0.00,0.04)0.11<0.01(−0.02,0.02)0.89
% of elderly (>65 years old)†0.03(−0.07,0.01)0.300.01(−0.02,0.05)0.37
% of urban population†<0.01(−0.01,0.01)0.30−0.01(−0.01,0.01)0.61
Gini (latest figure)<0.01(−0.01,0.01)0.640.01(−0.00,0.01)0.31
Control of corruption0.30+(−0.01,0.61)0.050.33*(0.07,0.58)0.01
Rule of law−0.44(−1.07,0.19)0.17−0.26(−0.61,0.09)0.15
Regulatory quality−0.15(−0.55,0.24)0.440.30+(−0.05,0.65)0.15
Government effectiveness0.16(−0.38,0.70)0.57−0.38+(−0.80,0.05)0.08
Political stability and absence of violence/terrorism0.06(−0.17,0.28)0.62−0.06(−0.22,0.09)0.42
Voice and accountability0.24+(−0.02,0.50)0.080.12(−0.09,0.32)0.27
Constant−7.31**(−8.97 to to 5.64)<0.01−3.14**(−4.32 to to 1.95)<0.01
Number of observations102102
  • + p<0.10, * p<0.05, ** p<0.01.

  • †All variables in percentages are coded in 0 to 100 number formats to ease their interpretation.

  • PHC, primary healthcare.