Table 1

Areas of focus and priorities for research and development at the patient, health systems and policy levels

LevelsAreas of focusResearch and development priorities
PatientHeart failureNovel point of care diagnostics
Handheld ultrasound devices
Digital registries with mobile app capabilities
Artificial intelligence
ArrhythmiasPoint of care anticoagulation management
Genomics and pharmacogenetics of drug response
New antiarrhythmic medications
Novel anticoagulants
PregnancyTools for risk stratification
Qualitative research
Community-based screening
Defining outcomes
Surgery and catheterisationDevelopment of lower cost surgical valves, valve rings and open-heart surgery disposables
Transcatheter aortic and mitral valves focused on RHD
Sutureless heart valve design
New methods of decellularisation including polymer-based heart valve leaflet
Mechanical prosthesis that do not need anticoagulation
Health systemFacility capacity developmentLow-cost operating rooms, catheterisation labs, hybrid suites
Equipment and consumables: availability, development and maintenance
North-South partnerships
TrainingWebinars, scholarships and training grants
Focus on nurses, technicians and physician extenders
Low fidelity simulators and virtual reality tools
Funding and costingModels for health system and patient costs of living with advanced RHD
Treatment costs for advanced RHD
Cost-effectiveness of alternative financing models
Supply side/procurement
Disease burdenIdentify and improve tools (cohorts, GBD modelling) that quantify the burden of advanced RHD
PolicyStakeholdersIdentify current and potential roles of stakeholders
Explore private/public collaboration including industry
Programme implementationEstablishment of regional centres of excellence and training supported by governmental and non-governmental organisations
Integration into existing chronic care programmes
North/South and South/South collaboration
Pathways connecting prevention, primary care and tertiary care
PolicyIntegration of RHD care into national policy
NCD-specific response
Partnerships with global organisations advocating for RHD policy
  • GBD, Global Burden of Disease; NCD, non-communicable disease.