Table 1

Malagasy challenges and opportunities for the implementation of guidelines recommendations

Rec 1–3Updated prevalence data;
Pilot MDA in adult population already ongoing (two districts in 2021)
Shortage of human resources and domestic funding;
Increased number of districts involved in MDAs
Integration with other national programmes (CCDS and PNDE);
Alternative strategies already ongoing (community, door-to-door)
Low schooling rate;
PZQ mandatory administration with food;
Seasonality implication for biannually MDA planning;
Interruption of MDA in IDPs
Rec 4Inter-district redistribution of drugs already ongoingElevated expected needs for drugs and testingStrengthen lab and medical capacityJeopardised implementation due to inaccessibility of PHC
Rec 5Possibility to assess alternative one-health approach in different ecosystemsNeed for ecological survey before interventions (costs)Benefit of WASH interventions for other diseases;
Integration of sanitation with the PADRC national programme
Potential threat for biodiversity
Rec 6No need for animal assessment (S mansoni and S haematobium only)Unlikely to be applied in early future given the overall high prevalenceReinforcement of laboratory coordination in a one-health approachReporting and monitoring weakness of MDA programme
  • CCDS, Comité Communale de Développement Sanitaire; IDPs, Internally Displaced Populations; MDA, mass drug administration; PADRC, Programme appui à la Décentralisation et à la Résilience Communautaire; PHC, Primary Health Care; PNDE, Plan National pour la Decentralisation Émergente; PZQ, Praziquantel; WASH, WAter Sanitation and Hygiene.