Table 2

Unit costs of consequential TB and HIV care, 2019 US$

ActivitiesDescriptionUnitUnit costSource
ART costDrugs and clinic visitsPer patient month60.22MATCH study37
TB testingSum of costs of first- and second-line diagnostic tests, including visits and antibioticsPer test51.08Unpublished data from XTEND trial, as calculated by Bozzani et al.35
TB diagnosisOne clinic visit to collect resultsPer person diagnosed5.77Unpublished data from XTEND trial
DS-TB treatmentFacility-based observation. 2 months intensive phase, 4 months continuation phasePer patient month23.33Drug prices from the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility.38 Facility visit costs from Sinanovic et al (2015),39 assuming only 20% of patients are treated under DOTS, while remaining patients collect drugs from clinic once a month
MDR-TB treatment6 months intensive phase, 12 months continuation phasePer patient month456.98As for DS-TB treatment, assuming 40% of patients are hospitalised during intensive phase, the rest receive fully decentralised treatment.39
Short-course MDR-TB treatment5 months intensive phase, 5 months continuation phasePer patient month411.94As for DS-TB treatment. 70% of newly diagnosed MDR-TB patients assumed to be eligible for short-course treatment
  • .ART, antiretroviral therapy; DOTS, directly observed treatment, short-course; DS-TB, drug-susceptible TB; MDR-TB, multidrug-resistant TB; TB, tuberculosis.