Activities | Description | Unit | Unit cost | Source |
ART cost | Drugs and clinic visits | Per patient month | 60.22 | MATCH study37 |
TB testing | Sum of costs of first- and second-line diagnostic tests, including visits and antibiotics | Per test | 51.08 | Unpublished data from XTEND trial, as calculated by Bozzani et al.35 |
TB diagnosis | One clinic visit to collect results | Per person diagnosed | 5.77 | Unpublished data from XTEND trial |
DS-TB treatment | Facility-based observation. 2 months intensive phase, 4 months continuation phase | Per patient month | 23.33 | Drug prices from the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility.38 Facility visit costs from Sinanovic et al (2015),39 assuming only 20% of patients are treated under DOTS, while remaining patients collect drugs from clinic once a month |
MDR-TB treatment | 6 months intensive phase, 12 months continuation phase | Per patient month | 456.98 | As for DS-TB treatment, assuming 40% of patients are hospitalised during intensive phase, the rest receive fully decentralised treatment.39 |
Short-course MDR-TB treatment | 5 months intensive phase, 5 months continuation phase | Per patient month | 411.94 | As for DS-TB treatment. 70% of newly diagnosed MDR-TB patients assumed to be eligible for short-course treatment |
.ART, antiretroviral therapy; DOTS, directly observed treatment, short-course; DS-TB, drug-susceptible TB; MDR-TB, multidrug-resistant TB; TB, tuberculosis.