Table 1

Composition of the costing teams

From Q3 and Q5 (online supplemental annex 1)MeanAfghanistanEthiopiaPakistanSomaliaSudan
Core team—no of people7285812
 Of which: Ministry of Health/government62%100%50%20%50%92%
 International experts/external partners/academia22%0%38%20%50%0%
 Local schools/universities12%0%0%60%0%0%
 Other within country4%0%13%0%0%8%
Peripheral*— no of people1333051611
 Of which: Ministry of Health/government47%67%50%40%25%55%
 International experts/external partners/academia33%33%17%20%50%45%
 Local schools/universities13%0%17%40%6%0%
 Other within country7%0%17%0%19%0%
  • *Includes people who were not part of the costing team but worked on specific requests from the team, such as providing intervention descriptions, estimates of population in need, current budget numbers, etc. Also includes supervisors, expert reviewers, support staff, etc.