Table 5

Assessment of actual and potential uses of EPHS costing in decision making

From responses to Q33 (online supplemental annex 1)
Rating scale 0–10
This timeFuture exercises
N*Mean ratingN*Mean rating
Contracting-out (PPPs, NGOs, etc)47.2548.75
Medicines, equipment, supplies procurement47.548
Prioritisation of health interventions56.857.4
Service delivery planning46.2547.25
Long-term budgeting—national/local45.546.75
Infrastructure investment plans44.545
  • *N indicates the number of countries that expressed an opinion of a given type of use (instructions indicated to leave blank if a respondent had no opinion or did not know).

  • EPHS, essential package of health services; NGOs, Non-governmental organisations; PPPs, Public-private partnerships.