Table 5

Summary of risk of bias assessment for individual studies based on an adapted Newcastle-Ottawa Scale

Exposure*Outcome†Total stars
Representativeness of exposed cohortSelection of non-exposed cohortAscertainment of exposure (SARS-CoV-2 infection)Ascertainment of control (SARS-CoV-2 negative)Outcome assessment data sourceAdequacy pregnancy follow-upData completeness‡
Akelo and Tippett Barr (2021) * * * * * §(a) Critical careN/AN/A
(b) Maternal mortality and morbidity * 6/7
(c) Fetal and neonatal mortalityN/AN/A
(d) Adverse birth outcomes5/7
Le Doare (2021)** * †† * * * (a) Critical careN/AN/A
(b) Maternal mortality and morbidity * 5/7
(c) Fetal and neonatal mortality * 5/7
(d) Adverse birth outcomes * 5/7
Crovetto (2020), Cohort I * * * * * §(a) Critical care * 6/6
(b) Maternal mortality and morbidity * 6/7
(c) Fetal and neonatal mortality * 6/7
(d) Adverse birth outcomes * 6/7
Poon (2021)** * * * * * (a) Critical care * 5/6
(b) Maternal mortality and morbidity * 6/7
(c) Fetal and neonatal mortality * 6/7
(d) Adverse birth outcomes * 6/7
Crovetto (2020), Cohort II * * * * * * (a) Critical care * 6/6
(b) Maternal mortality and morbidity * 7/7
(c) Fetal and neonatal mortality * 7/7
(d) Adverse birth outcomes * 7/7
Bevilacqua and Laurita Longo (2020)** * * * * * (a) Critical care * 5/6
(b) Maternal mortality and morbidity * 6/7
(c) Fetal and neonatal mortality * 6/7
(d) Adverse birth outcomes * 6/7
Nachega (2021)** * * * * §(a) Critical care4/6
(b) Maternal mortality and morbidity4/7
(c) Fetal and neonatal mortality * 5/7
(d) Adverse birth outcomes4/7
Nunes (2021)** * * * * * (a) Critical careN/AN/A
(b) Maternal mortality and morbidity * 6/7
(c) Fetal and neonatal mortality * 6/7
(d) Adverse birth outcomes * 6/7
Sakowicz et al 23 ** * * * * * (a) Critical care * 5/6
(b) Maternal mortality and morbidity * 6/7
(c) Fetal and neonatal mortality5/7
(d) Adverse birth outcomes * 6/7
Ahlberg et al 19 * * * * * * (a) Critical careN/AN/A
(b) Maternal mortality and morbidity * 7/7
(c) Fetal and neonatal mortality * 7/7
(d) Adverse birth outcomes * 7/7
Kalafat et al 22 ** * * * * * (a) Critical care * 5/6
(b) Maternal mortality and morbidity * 6/7
(c) Fetal and neonatal mortality * 6/7
(d) Adverse birth outcomes * 6/7
Brandt (2020) * * * * * * (a) Critical care * 6/6
(b) Maternal mortality and morbidity * 7/7
(c) Fetal and neonatal mortality * 7/7
(d) Adverse birth outcomes * 7/7
  • Stars (*) indicate a study is at lower risk of bias in a given domain.

  • *See online supplemental table S6 for detailed risk of bias assessment related to selection of the exposed and unexposed cohorts for individual studies.

  • †See online supplemental table S6 for detailed risk of bias assessment related to outcome assessment for individual studies.

  • ‡See online supplemental table S8 for a description of follow-up by study and review of missing data by outcome.

  • §Pregnancy follow-up domain deemed at higher risk of bias because <90% of pregnancy outcomes had been ascertained at the time of data transfer.

  • ¶Data completeness domain deemed at higher risk of bias because one or more outcomes in this category had missing data for 11%–25% of participants.

  • **Representativeness of the exposed cohort domain deemed at higher risk of bias because 50% or more of the cases were identified using a method that was only somewhat representative of all SARS-CoV-2-infected pregnant women in the community (eg, pregnant women tested at antenatal care of delivery based on symptoms or travel; pregnant women tested for antibodies during routine screening; medical records of pregnant women hospitalised for any reason, excluding delivery).

  • ††Ascertainment of exposure (SARS-CoV-2 infection) domain deemed at higher risk of bias because a proportion of COVID-19-positive cases were identified through clinical diagnosis or radiography consistent with WHO case definitions of probable and suspected cases.

  • N/A, not available.