Table 1

Definition of Proctor’s implementation outcomes35

Implementation outcomeAnalysis levelDefinition used in this review; other synonyms
AcceptabilityIndividual provider or individual consumerSatisfaction with various aspects of PrEP delivery to AGYW; content, complexity, delivery, credibility and comfort
AdoptionIndividual provider or organisationInitiation of PrEP by AGYW; utilisation, uptake, intention to try, implementation
AppropriatenessIndividual provider or individual consumer or organisationPerceived fit of PrEP delivery; relevance, compatibility, suitability, usefulness, practicability
FeasibilityIndividual provider or organisationActual fit of PrEP delivery; utility, suitability for everday use; practicability
FidelityIndividual providerQuality of programme delivery; delivered as intended, adherence, integrity
Implementation costProvider or providing institutionCost of implementing PrEP delivery; marginal cost, cost-effectiveness, cost–benefit
PenetrationOrganisation or settingLevel of institutionalisation of PrEP; spread
SustainabilityIndividual consumer or administrators or orgnanisaitonContinuation of PrEP by AGYW; maintenance, sustained use, durability, incorporation, integration, institutionalisation, routinisation
  • AGYW, adolescent girls and young women; PrEP, pre-exposure prophylaxis.