Table 6

Annual cost reductions in hypothetical scenarios 1 and 2 between 2020 and 2060

Scenario 1: reduction in projected OAO-prevalence by 5%Scenario 2: keeping OAO-prevalence among men, women, boys and girls at 2019 levels through 2060
Average annual cost reduction (billions of 2019 US$)Percentage cost reduction (%)Average annual cost reduction (billions of 2019 US$)Percentage cost reduction (%)
Income group
 Lower middle41.29.3231.231.6
 Upper middle219.76.61491.127.4
WHO region
  • AFR, Africa; AMR, the Americas; EMR, Eastern Mediterranean; EUR, Europe; OAO, overweight and obesity; SEA, South-East Asian; WPR, Western Pacific.