Table 3


Kit content and designNCDK contents should be tailored to each health facility level with a predeployment checklist detailing services offered to determine which contents should be included. Furthermore, kit modules could be divided into diseases classifications (submodules) with orders and distribution done accordingly.
Planning, procurement, distributionImplementation of a comprehensive pre-deployment assessment, including medication and supplies baseline, anticipated patient needs, supply chain readiness and clinical management capacity, to ensure kit is relevant and necessary.
Better tracking of distribution and anticipated routes for the kit to reach the country. Local distribution of kit contents based on predeployment assessment.
Use of barcodes on the medicines for effective monitoring of distribution and utilisation.
Human resource and service readinessDevelopment of an essential medicine list for NCDs for the PHC level, that is, linked with existing national guidance and training, based at the PHC level to improve the transition to regular supply chain.
Patient education on the use of generic medications to improve acceptability and emphasise the WHO brand.
Training for health facility staff before delivery of the NCDK, and refresher trainings should be planned and budgeted for. Trainings should include a component on NCD knowledge and management skills, information about the NCD kit contents and monitoring of NCD care and service delivery.
Protocols that come with the NCD kit should be tailored to existing national guidelines
Monitoring and evaluationDevelopment of standard health information system, including clinical management as well as supply chain management, aligned to concurrent efforts to strengthen the national health information system.
  • NCDK, non-communicable disease kit; PHC, primary healthcare.