Table 2

Inclusion and exclusion criteria for literature in the systematic review

Population of interestNewborns (0–28 days after birth)7 living in humanitarian settings in low-income and middle-income countries.Populations living in humanitarian setting in high-income countries.
InterventionAny intervention directly aimed at improving newborn health outcomes as defined by the MISP and the Field Guide as per table 1.Any intervention not included in the MISP and Field Guide, prepartum and intrapartum interventions and other sexual and reproductive health interventions not impacting newborn health.
OutcomeStudies reporting on the use or effectiveness of interventions that affect newborn health.Studies that do not report on the use or effectiveness of newborn health interventions.
SituationStudies conducted during acute or protracted humanitarian crises (armed conflict, disease outbreak, natural disaster).Studies conducted before or after the crisis has fully stabilised (ie, no longer a protracted crisis).
Type of studyQuantitative, qualitative and mixed methods studies describing a newborn health intervention, including or not an evaluation of an outcome, and reporting empirical data.Any other types of studies not reporting empirical data, for example, comments, opinion pieces.
Type of publicationPeer-reviewed and grey literature.Other types of publications, for example, media articles, blogs.
Publication date1 January 1990–15 November 2021.Any publication published before 1 January 1990.
LanguageEnglish, Portuguese, Spanish, French.Other languages.
  • MISP, Minimum Initial Service Package.