Study | Country | Crisis type | Population | Study design | Intervention | Key findings | Quality |
Peer-reviewed literature | |||||||
Amsalu et al36 | Somalia | Protracted conflict | General and internally displaced people (IDP) | Cross-sectional | Essential newborn care (ENC) at four primary healthcare (PHC) centres. Thermal care, feeding support, hygiene, newborn resuscitation. | Significant variation between health facilities (p<0.001) in the practice of skin-to-skin, support in breastfeeding initiation, early breastfeeding initiation and dry cord care. | High |
Amsalu et al55 | Somalia | Protracted conflict | General and IDP | Pre-post study | Eight-day training of healthcare workers (HCWs) at four PHC centres in ENC, including care of small babies; provision of supplies and medications and creation of a newborn health record system (following Field Guide recommendations). Five-day refresher training at 6 months. | Knowledge improvement, mean difference in score of +11.9% (95% CI 7.2 to 16.6) and from post-training to 18-month follow-up +10.9% (95% CI 4.7 to 17.0). Both with p<0.001. Improvement in ENC practices from baseline to endline with a difference in proportion of newborns that receive two or three ENC of +74.8% (95% CI 69.1 to 80.5) and +60.6% (95% CI 54.6 to 66.5) of newborns that received three ENC. Both p<0.001. | High |
Amsalu et al33 | Niger, Cameroon and Chad | Protracted crisis | Refugee | Pre-post study | Help Babies Survive training for health workers in PHC and hospitals (includes ENC and care of small babies) using a low-dose high frequency competence-building approach. | No change in neonatal mortality rate (NMR) - low at baseline and potentially under-reported - but positive trend. Health facilities improved and sustained the availability of medications, supplies and newborn clinical guidelines. | Low |
Casey et al37 | Burkina Faso, DRC and South Sudan | Protracted conflict | General, refugee and IDP | Cross-sectional | Elements of ENC (newborn resuscitation, breastfeeding support, newborn infection, thermal care, cord care). | Availability and quality varied across settings. In the DRC, none of the 25 health centres provide ENC; in South Sudan, 25% of health centres and none of the hospitals provided ENC and in Burkina Faso, 66.7% of hospitals, 25% of camp health centres and 9.5% of non-camp health centres provided ENC. | Medium |
Chaudhary et al45 | Nepal | Natural disaster | General and IDP | Case study | Implementation of Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP). | Deployment of 33 skilled birth attendants (SBAs) to birth centres; 1100 clean delivery kits and 53 000 newborn suits were provided across the 14 districts. | High |
de Vries I et al34 | Palestine | Protracted crisis | General | Cross-sectional | Postnatal home visits programme for high-risk cases and primiparous. Midwives and nurses were trained on several topics (including postnatal and newborn care), received postnatal home visit kits and had to conduct home visits within 48–72 hours post delivery. | Trained staff felt more confident about their knowledge and skills to assist women with breast feeding. Women that received post natal home visits demonstrated improved breastfeeding practices and behaviour changes that reduced harmful traditional practices. | Low |
Dörnemann et al58 | Afghanistan, Pakistan, CAR, DRC, Burundi, Sierra Leone | Protracted conflict (2), active armed conflict (1) and postconflict (3) | General | Cross-sectional | Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) Operational Centre Brussels implemented low-tech specialised neonatal care units (SNCUs) in low-resource settings. The MSF SNCU model was characterised by an absence of high-tech equipment and an emphasis on dedicated nursing and medical care. Focus was on the management of hypothermia, hypoglycaemia, feeding support and early identification/treatment of infection. | Overall, 11 970 neonates were admitted, 41% of whom had low birth weight (<2500 g). The main diagnoses were low birth weight, asphyxia and neonatal infections. Overall, mortality was 17%, with consistency across the sites. Chances of survival increased with higher birth weight. | High |
Draiko et al57 | South Sudan | Protracted conflict | General | Controlled pre-post study | Helping Babies to Breathe training to hospital HCWs. | Knowledge and skills improved after training and declined 1-year post-training. Knowledge score mean difference of 55.2 (95% CI 50.9 to 59.6) and −15.0 (95% CI −22.7 to 7.4) a year after. P<0.001 for both. Mortality due to asphyxia decreased from 30.7% pre-training to 17.9% 1 year post-training (p=0.001). | Medium |
Edmond et al29 | Afghanistan | Protracted conflict | General | Controlled pre-post study | Conditional cash transfers to improve the use of health facilities and consequent postnatal care (PNC) visits. Financial incentives given to community health workers (CHWs) that visited pregnant women and referred them to a health facility for delivery; to women that delivered in a health facility and education/communication about the programme in the community. | Having at least one PNC visit increased in the intervention villages by 23.2%. Adjusted mean difference with control villages was 31.8%, 95% CI −0.05 to −0.68, p=0.080. | High |
Eze et al44 | Yemen | Protracted conflict | General | Cohort retrospective study | Outcomes of a neonatal intensive care unit with capacity for treatment of infection and jaundice, extra feeding support and oxygen therapy. | Most common diagnosis in this unit was prematurity. Most neonatal deaths were preterm newborns (90.1%) and 83.1% travelled for more than an hour to reach the facility. From the analysed predictors of facility neonatal mortality, travelling for >60 min to arrive at the NICU had an aOR=2.32 (95% CI 1.07 to 5.04, p=0.033). | High |
Gee et al28 | Kenya | Protracted conflict | Refugee | Qualitative | Social beliefs and practices of refugee populations around newborn care. | Skin-to-skin generally not practised and mothers are reluctant to practice. Women increasingly accept feeding colostrums, but mixed feeding practices are still present. Application of foreign substances to the umbilical cord is still practised. | High |
Hoogenboom et al46 | Thailand | Protracted conflict | Refugee | Cross-sectional | Elements of ENC at a PHC centre. Undefined immediate care, clean cord care and monitoring of newborn. | Appropriate immediate care (not specified) and cord care done in all observations and monitoring in the first hours occurred in 30% of the observations. | Low |
Hynes et al47 | DRC | Protracted conflict | General | Controlled pre-post study | Nine-month health workers training using participatory quality improvement (QI) approach comparing with workers that received only the standard 12-day training on ENC. ENC elements evaluated: clean cord care, antibiotic to eyes and weight. | Greater rate of change in ENC practices in group that received QI training (OR 49.62, 95% CI 2.79 to 888.28, p<0.05) and reached 100% ENC completion at endline. | Medium |
Iellamo et al35 | Palestine | Protracted crisis | General | Cross-sectional | Elements of ENC related to feeding, being practised by vulnerable women in the Gaza Strip. | 63% of surveyed mothers practised early initiation of breast feeding and 42% reported given liquids other than breast milk to their newborn in the first 3 days of life. 18% of women reported receiving information about breast feeding during the contact with healthcare professionals. | Medium |
Kim et al30 | Afghanistan | Protracted conflict | General | Cross-sectional | Neonatal resuscitation in health facilities. | 91% of the facilities performed neonatal resuscitation in the past 3 months. In the ones that did not, lack of training was the main reason. | Medium |
Komakech et al48 | Uganda | Protracted conflict | Refugee | Cross-sectional | Elements of ENC in refugee settlements. Initiation of breast feeding, cord care and skin-to-skin. | 57% of mother breast fed in the first hour; 50.1% cleaned umbilical cord; 17.6% received skin-to-skin and 12.7% delayed bath. ENC was not being used and mainly not accessible to refugee mothers. | High |
Krause et al39 | Jordan | Armed conflict | Refugee | Cross-sectional | Implementation of the MISP. | Newborn resuscitation and advanced care was provided (no details given); clean delivery kits were provided to SBAs and pregnant women. | Medium |
Kurdi et al51 | Yemen | Protracted conflict | General | Cluster randomised trial | Monthly cash transfers, conditional of attendance to a monthly nutritional training session during 18–21 months. | Programme increased the probability of early breastfeeding initiation by 15.6% points (p<0.05) and of correct answers on breastfeeding initiations by 17.7% points (p<0.01). | High |
Lam et al49 | Global and country/region specific | Humanitarian settings (general) | General—INGOs | Cross-sectional | Survey of ENC reported by international and national non-governmental organisations, governments and UN Agencies. | Of the respondents, 62.5% reported having policies on maternal health and few (no data) reported having policies to address newborn care. Of the 27 surveyed organisations, only 36.7% reported proving newborn health training to their staff. And 51% lack of trained staff. ENC elements reported varied from 30% to 90%, highest being immediate drying, wrapping (80.4%), skin-to-skin contact and immediate breast feeding (87.5%) and least 48.2% promotion of disinfectants for umbilical cord care. | Medium |
Lawry et al50 | South Sudan | Protracted conflict | General | Cross-sectional | Survey of ENC elements (feeding, PNC and danger signs) and barriers to access services. | 98.2% initiated breast feeding immediately; 7.9% (95% CI 6.1 to 9.8) of women received PNC 2 days after birth; 42.9% (95% CI 34.8 to 51) and 45.8% (95% CI 42.5 to 49.2) of men and women, respectively, could identify newborn danger signs. | High |
Marsh et al38 | Pakistan | Protracted conflict | General and refugee | Qualitative | Identify uncommon practices linked to a good newborn practice to mobilise communities for behaviour change. | Feeding, hygiene and thermal care practices were weak. Identified positive deviance practices on ENC and care of small and sick newborns. Communities were committed to behaviour change and to create support groups. | Medium |
Massad et al40 | Palestine | Protracted crisis | General | Cross-sectional | Assess the availability of neonatal units and its resources in Palestine. | Between Gaza, West Bank and East Jerusalem, 79% of neonatal units are in the West Bank. There is a shortage of equipments, medications and specialised human resources. There is a lack of referrals guidelines and challenges to do them on time. | High |
McPherson et al32 | Nepal | Armed conflict | General | Pre-post study | CHWs promoted desired behaviours related to maternal and newborn care through individual and group counselling. | ENC increased 19%–29%; nothing on cord, wrapped immediately and delaying bath p=0.000; wiped immediately p=0.001; breast feeding in first hour p=0.06 and attendance to PNC within 1 week of delivery p=0.01. | High |
Miller et al52 | Pakistan | Protracted conflict | Refugee | Cross-sectional | Training traditional birth attendants (TBAs) to improve the childbirth care. Included some elements of ENC (hygiene, cord care and breast feeding). | Compared with untrained TBAs, there was an increase in these practices. | Low |
Mullany et al59 | Myanmar | Protracted conflict | IDP | Pre-post study | Three-tiered network of community-based providers (TBAs, health workers and maternal health workers) that covered some elements of ENC (skin-to-skin, PNC and breast feeding in first hour). | Statistically significant increase in skin-to-skin prevalence rate ration (PRR)=2.70 (95% CI 1.93 to 3.78) and PNC PRR=2.07 (95% CI 1.81 to 2.37). Not significant change in breastfeeding initiation. | Medium |
Myers et al41 | Nepal | Natural disaster | General population | Cross-sectional | MISP implementation. | Availability of newborn care was low and equipment was malfunctioning or not available. | High |
Newbrander et al56 | Afghanistan | Protracted conflict | General | Qualitative | Traditional ENC practices in rural communities. | Newborns are usually immediately bathed; breast feeding is delayed until mothers clean their breasts; shame associated with seeking health services and inability for women to seek health services by themselves. | High |
Zainullah et al42 | Afghanistan | Protracted conflict | General | Cross-sectional | Knowledge and skills of health workers on neonatal resuscitation and care of small and sick neonates. | 80.8% of doctors and 82.7% of midwives were trained in neonatal resuscitation. In some steps of EmONC decision-making skills, they scored low, that is, doctors scores 36.6% on essential actions when newborn does not cry. Knowledge about newborn infection signs/symptoms, treatment and care of LBW was below 60%. | Medium |
Rosales et al60 | South Sudan | Protracted conflict | General | Cross-sectional | Prevalence of ENC (breast feeding, thermal, cord and eye care) in rural community. | Breast feeding (74%) and wrapping immediately after birth (98%) 1% of newborns received all elements. | Medium |
Sami et al43 | South Sudan | Protracted conflict | IDP and refugee | Case study | Clinical training, supportive supervision and distribution of medical commodities in health facilities. | Difficulties in implementation were found in across the health system layers, that is, need for improvement of skilled workers, integration of newborn interventions in policies and in humanitarian funding scope. | Medium |
Sami et al31 | South Sudan | Protracted conflict | IDP | Cross-sectional | ENC and care of small babies in health facilities. | 62.5% received thermal care; 74.8% infection prevention measures; 63.6% feeding support and 27.7% postnatal monitoring (weight and temperature taken). | High |
Sami et al53 | South Sudan | Protracted conflict | General | Pre-post study | Training of CHWs and facility health workers on ENC and care of small babies. | Mean knowledge scores among CHWs improved, 5.8 (SD=2.3) pre-training and 9.6 (SD=2.1) post-training; among facility-based health workers, 14.2 (SD=2.7) pre-training and 17.4 (SD=2.8) post-training. More confidence when caring for small newborns. | High |
Turner et al54 | Thailand | Protracted conflict | Refugee | Cohort | Implementation of a SNCU and staff training for the care of small and sick newborns. | Between 2008 and 2011, neonatal mortality in the camp declined by 51% from 21.8 to 10.7 deaths per 1000 live births (p=0.04) and mortality in premature newborns declined from 19.3% to 4.8% (p=0.03). | Low |
Grey literature | |||||||
Krause et al61 | Haiti | Natural disaster | IDP | Qualitative | Evaluation of the MISP. | Newborn care was available but varied across health facilities; access to services for sick newborns was a major concern. Recommendations to inform communities about where newborn care is available. | High |
Krause et al62 | Nepal | Natural disaster | General | Qualitative | Evaluation of the MISP. | Newborn care (not specified) was available varying between health facilities, lack of functioning equipment reported. | Medium |
aOR, adjusted OR; CAR, Central African Republic; DRC, Democratic Republic of the Congo; INGO, international non-governmental organisation; NICU, neonatal intensive care unit; NMR, neonatal mortality rate.