Description | Annual cost | As a % of the 2019 wage bill |
Overall health sector HWF Wage Bill in 2019 (GHc) | 3,930,985,239 | |
Overall health sector HWF Wage Bill in 2019 (USD) | 677 756 076 | |
50% allowance +Income Tax Waiver (USD) | 35 019 438 | 5.2 |
Estimated annual wage bill cost of new recruitments (USD) | 213 578 111 | 31.5 |
Overall COVID-19 HWF investment (recruitments and incentives) | 248 597 549 | 36.7 |
Data sources: Ghana Health Service; Integrated personnel Payroll Database, Controller and Accountant General’s Department.
HWF, health workforce.