Table 1

Summary of additional recruitment by category, number and cost, March–November 2020

Type of recruitmentOccupationNo of additional public sector recruitment
Annual basic salary
Annual market premium
Estimated annual cost of remuneration (GHS)
(TAR=A x (B+C))
Estimated annual cost of remuneration (US$)
Permanent employmentAccountant18224 951.626312.235 690 019.79981 037.89
Accounts officer812 713.371147.88110 889.9719 118.96
Administrative manager32124 951.626312.2310 035 694.251 730 292.11
Artisan1212 713.371147.88166 334.9628 678.44
Audiologist528 076.667741.47179 090.6430 877.70
Biomedical engineer128 076.667741.4735 818.136175.54
Biomedical scientist85628 076.667741.4730 660 318.255 286 261.77
Biostatistics assistant3712 713.371147.88512 866.1288 425.19
Biostatistics officer20324 951.626312.236 346 560.541 094 234.58
Catering officer418 113.432002.1080 462.1413 872.78
Clinical engineering manager228 076.667741.4771 636.2612 351.08
Community health nurse801314 305.646879.82169 759 053.2729 268 802.29
Community mental health officer720 382.022178.17157 921.3227 227.81
Dental clinic assistant414 305.644994.3577 199.9413 310.33
Dietician5228 076.6613 276.812 150 380.69370 755.29
Dispensing Assistant38214 305.644994.357 372 594.351 271 136.96
Driver118923.20636.30105 154.5018 130.09
Electrical engineering manager128 076.667741.4735 818.136175.54
Enrolled nurse988314 305.646879.82209 375 854.6736 099 285.29
Environmental health assistant414 305.646879.8284 741.8214 610.66
Environmental health officer318 113.431291.6458 215.2110 037.11
Estate manager524 951.626312.23156 319.2326 951.59
Executive officer7918 113.432002.101 589 127.19273 987.45
Field technician53014 305.645433.5510 461 768.401 803 753.17
Finance officer9720 382.022178.172188 338.24377 299.70
Health assistant412 713.374828.7770 168.5712 098.03
Health educator2724 951.626312.23844 123.82145 538.59
Health planner1524 951.626312.23468 957.6880 854.77
Health research officer924 951.626312.23281 374.6148 512.86
Healthservice administrator224 951.626312.2362 527.6910 780.64
Hospital orderly278923.203389.20332 434.7257 316.33
Hospitality manager124 951.626312.2331 263.855390.32
Human resource manager3424 951.626312.231,062,970.73183 270.82
Internal auditor924 951.626312.23281 374.6148 512.86
IT manager827 607.333937.28252 356.8543 509.80
Laboratory assistant17012 713.374994.353 010 311.58519 019.24
Laboratory technician21020 382.023505.415 016 360.26864 889.70
Mechanical engineer224 951.626312.2362 527.6910 780.64
Medical officer96742 077.3441 167.0880 497 354.1413 878 854.16
Medical physicist1120 382.027741.47309 358.3853 337.65
Midwifery officer20128 076.667741.477 199 443.891 241 283.43
Nursing officer470828 076.667741.47168 631 750.3929 074 439.72
Nutrition officer64828 076.6614 879.1927 835 390.154 799 205.20
Occupational therapist1028 076.6614 879.19429 558.4974 061.81
Optician1320 382.028422.25374 455.5064 561.29
Optometrist6528 076.667741.472 328 178.37401 410.06
Pharmacist22930 035.1135 973.4715115 964.362 606 200.75
Pharmacy technician530 035.118422.25192 286.8033 152.90
Physician assistant60628 076.6617 168.3027 418 442.734 727 317.71
Physiotherapist5628 076.6614 879.192 405 527.54414 746.13
Physiotherapy assistant23714 305.645433.554 678 187.00806 583.97
Procurement manager1724 951.626312.23531 485.3791 635.41
Public health officer6028 076.667741.472,149,087.73370 532.37
Quantity surveyor224 951.626312.2362 527.6910 780.64
Radiographer5528 076.667741.471 969 997.08339 654.67
Records assistant4537047.37636.303 480 702.51600 121.12
Registered Dent. Surgery Assistant22920 382.025619.865 954 430.021 026 625.86
Security guard613 831.381248.8290 481.2015 600.21
Sonographer4828 076.667741.471 719 270.18296 425.89
Staff cook228 076.661147.8858 449.0710 077.43
Staff midwife288422 174.4111 951.0798 417 888.8616 968 601.53
Staff nurse892922 174.416114.07252 587 798.2843 549 620.39
Statistician1524 951.626312.23468 957.6880 854.77
Stenographer secretary118 113.431291.6419 405.073345.70
Supply officer4218 113.431291.64815 012.98140 519.48
Technical Officer236420 382.025619.8661 468 439.1210 598 006.74
Technician1412 713.374438.46240 125.5641 400.96
Technologist922 174.416114.07254 596.2843 895.91
Temporary employmentContract tracers10001800.001 800 000.00310 344.83
Overall45 1071 506 964.98478 641.021 238 753 042.53213 578 110.78
  • Bank of Ghana exchange rate used: US$1 =GH¢5.8, year=2020.

  • TAR, Total Annual Remuneration cost.