Table 3

Bivariate analysis for maternal outcomes

CharacteristicsNumber of deaths ((%)n=182)Number of those alive ((%)n=3999)P value
12–1910 (8.1)113 (91.9)0.050
20–34124 (4.0)2970 (96.0)
35–6048 (5.0)916 (95.0)
Marital status
Single25 (8.2)279 (91.8)0.001
Married157 (4.1)3, (95.9)
Employment status
Unemployed/housewife33 (4.6)688 (95.4)0.581
Student17 (6.2)257 (93.8)
Self-employed (petty-trader)80 (4.3)1797 (95.7)
Self-employed (mid-high business)17 (3.9)425 (96.1)
Employed35 (4.0)832 (96.0)
Obstetric complications in a previous pregnancy
Yes12 (1.6)721 (98.4)<0.001
No170 (4.9)3278 (95.1)
Nulliparous (0)59 (4.0)1436 (96.0)0.277
Primiparous (1)40 (3.8)1026 (96.2)
Multiparous (2–4)78 (5.2)1437 (94.2)
Grand-multiparous (5 or more)5 (4.8)100 (95.2)
Number of gestations
Singleton180 (4.5)3820 (95.5)0.029
Multiple2 (1.1)179 (98.9)
Booking status
Booked11 (0.7)1491 (99.3)<0.001
Un-booked171 (6.4)2508 (93.6)
Maternal complications
No maternal complication, only fetal complication6 (4.1)139 (95.9)<0.001
Obstructed labour9 (0.9)987 (99.1)
Haemorrhage26 (3.5)711 (96.5)
Pre-eclampsia/eclampsia31 (3.3)911 (96.7)
Sepsis6 (3.5)167 (96.5)
Abortion73 (12.2)524 (87.8)
Ectopic pregnancy22 (8.8)227 (91.2)
Others9 (2.6)333 (97.4)
Weekend travel to a facility
Yes35 (3.7)913 (96.3)0.257
No147 (4.5)3086 (95.5)
Period of the day of travel to the facility (n=2813)

Morning32 (3.1)989 (96.9)0.063
Afternoon38 (5.1)713 (94.9)
Evening37 (5.8)607 (94.2)
Night21 (5.3)376 (94.7)
Not referred140 (4.5)3003 (95.5)0.576
Referred42 (4.1)996 (95.9)
Distance of travel from home directly to a hospital (N=2978*)
Within 5 km37 (3.0)1188 (97.0)0.003
5–10 km42 (6.0)662 (94.0)
>10–15 km24 (7.5)295 (92.5)
>15–25 km13 (4.2)299 (95.8)
>25–35 km7 (3.7)185 (96.3)
>35 km8 (3.5)218 (96.5)
Distance of travel from home to initial facility for referred women (N=611†)
Within 5 km11 (3.9)272 (96.1)0.491
5–10 km9 (7.5)111 (92.5)
>10–15 km4 (5.6)68 (94.4)
>15–25 km3 (3.9)74 (96.1)
>25–35 km1 (3.5)28 (96.5)
>35 km0 (0.0)30 (100.0)
Distance of travel from initial facility to the final facility of care for referred women (N=611†)
Within 5 km13 (5.8)211 (94.2)0.933
5–10 km6 (4.1)140 (95.9)
>10–15 km3 (3.9)73 (96.1)
>15–25 km3 (3.3)87 (96.7)
>25–35 km2 (6.1)30 (93.9)
>35 km2 (4.6)41 (95.4)
Total traceable distance for all women whose journeys were traceable (N=3590*†‡)
Within 5 km41 (3.1)1275 (96.9)0.005
5–10 km49 (5.9)782 (94.1)
>10–15 km28 (7.1)367 (95.7)
>15–25 km19 (4.3)423 (95.7)
>25–35 km11 (4.3)247 (95.7)
>35 km12 (3.5)335 (96.5)
Time of travel from home directly to a hospital (N=2978*)
0–9 min15 (2.4)602 (97.6)0.005
10–29 min66 (5.5)1135 (94.5)
30–59 min32 (4.8)635 (95.2)
60–119 min12 (2.8)411 (97.2)
120–480 min6 (8.6)64 (91.4)
Time of travel from home to initial facility for referred women (N=611†)
0–9 min5 (3.7)129 (96.3)0.452
10–29 min15 (6.4)220 (93.6)
30–59 min6 (4.1)141 (95.9)
60–119 min2 (2.7)71 (97.3)
120–480 min0 (0.0)22 (100.0)
Time of travel from initial facility to the final facility of care for referred women (N=611†)
0–9 min4 (3.6)108 (96.4)0.151
10–29 min17 (7.6)207 (92.4)
30–59 min5 (2.9)164 (97.1)
60–119 min3 (3.2)90 (96.8)
120–480 min0 (0.0)13 (100.0)
Total travel time for all women whose journeys were traceable (N=3590*†‡)
0–9 min15 (2.3)624 (97.7)0.009
10–29 min75 (5.6)1268 (94.4)
30–59 min43 (5.1)801 (94.9)
60–119 min20 (3.3)589 (96.7)
120–480 min7 (4.5)148 (95.5)
Mode of birth
Spontaneous vaginal birth46 (3.7)1194 (96.3)<0.001
Assisted vaginal birth20 (13.2)131 (86.8)
Caesarean birth21 (1.1)1923 (98.9)
Uterine evacuation95 (11.2)751 (88.8)
Facility type
Non-apex referral164 (4.8)3286 (95.2)0.006
Apex referral18 (2.5)713 (97.5)
Principal settlement type served by the hospital
Urban13 (1.5)845 (98.5)<0.001
Suburban127 (5.5)2205 (94.5)
Rural42 (4.2)949 (95.8)
The majority population type served in the hospital catchment area
Non-slum138 (4.1)3262 (95.9)0.052
Slum44 (5.6)737 (94.4)
  • Educational level attained was excluded as the level of missingness was too high for computation in the model. Fetal complication was excluded as it does not influence the outcome of this study. Type of referral facility was also excluded, as this variable was not relevant to the entire sample.

  • *Excludes women whose journey to the facility could not be determined (n=166).

  • †Excludes women whose referral journey could not be traced (n=415).

  • ‡Excludes 10 missing values.