Table 2

Examples of change ideas tested by QICs†

TopicChange ideas testedQI indicatorsPreimplementation results (month collected)Latest implementation results (month collected)Implementation scope
Infection controlPeer-to-peer monitoring of hand hygiene practices% of times healthcare providers practiced hand hygiene correctly (measured monthly)43% (June 2020)77% (June 2021)11 health centres
Medical waste managementOn a weekly basis, assigned providers observe management of medical waste according to an established checklist% of times medical waste was organised and managed correctly56% (June 2020)85% (August 2021)31 health centres
General waste managementOn a weekly basis, assigned providers observe management of general waste according to an established checklist% of times general waste was organised and managed correctly98% (June 2020)85% (September 2021)114 health centres
TB screening*Ask patients presenting at outpatient departments about TB symptoms regardless of their complaints% of outpatient cases screened for TB symptoms40% (October 2019)51.3% (June 2021)124 health centres; 5 referral hospitals
Family planningProvide thorough counselling on advantages of long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) to contribute to increased uptake of LARC methods% of family planning clients who answered at least two-thirds of questions regarding advantages of LARC methods correctly72% (October 2019)85% (June 2021)44 health centres
  • *Additional TB cases identified as a result of provider-initiated TB screening.

  • †Improvement and performance varied across health facilities though the majority of change ideas tested resulted in improvements (except one—general waste management).

  • QIC, quality improvement collaborative; TB, tuberculosis.