Table 1

Comparison of videos by source category

Channel type% of total viewsCVSmDISCERNmJAMAAge (days)Median likes/dislikes (range)Mean subscribers (M)Mean views (M)
Health professional n=25 (20.5%)24.110.93 (0.15)3.7 (0.95)1.2 (0.66)116 (75)2.8 (0.16–22.2)0.621.63
Entertainment n=7 (5.7%)8.100.95 (0.96)3.6 (1.40)1.3 (0.95)127 (34)14.4 (0.91–52.2)6.581.96
Network news n=42 (34.4%)20.920.90 (0.18)3.0 (1.23)1.0 (0.68)99 (85)0.72 (0.15–20.2)4.260.83
Internet news n=6 (4.9%)10.160.83 (0.20)2.0 (2.0)0.5 (0.84)103 (64)15.4 (0.30–23.2)3.562.87
Government n=9 (7.4%)7.260.98 (0.07)3.8 (0.97)1.3 (0.87)65 (57)0.32 (0.10–2.96)0.571.37
Newspaper n=4 (3.3%)4.220.84 (0.20)3.8 (0.96)1.3 (0.96)310 (180)1.58 (0.71–13.9)1.711.79
Consumer n=10 (8.2%)8.380.88 (0.20)3.5 (1.65)1.1 (0.74)223 (157)3.0 (1.07–22.8)0.911.42
Education n=19 (15.6%)16.850.98 (0.05)4.3 (1.11)1.2 (1.17)167 (78)9.7 (1.23–35.8)3.111.50
  • Mean (SD), unless otherwise indicated. M represents millions.

  • CVS, COVID-19 Vaccine Score; mDISCERN, modified DISCERN; mJAMA, modified Journal of the American Medical Association.