Table 1

Association between number of chronic diseases and socioeconomic, demographic, and health-related behavioural characteristics in patients with diabetes

Diabetes only
N=2947 (34.8%)
Diabetes and 1 other chronic disease
N=3734 (44.1%)
Diabetes and 2 other chronic diseases
N=1332 (15.7%)
Diabetes and ≥3 chronic diseases
N=458 (5.4%)
P value
 Age, years58.8 (11.0)63.7 (10.8)65.5 (10.2)67.0 (9.7)62.4 (11.1)
 Male1486 (50.4%)1648 (44.1%)566 (42.5%)190 (41.5%)3890 (45.9%)
 Female1461 (49.6%)2086 (55.9%)766 (57.5%)268 (58.5%)4581 (54.1%)
Education level<0.001
 Primary school and below1120 (38.0%)1669 (44.7%)607 (45.6%)210 (45.9%)3606 (42.6%)
 Secondary school1579 (53.6%)1773 (47.5%)628 (47.1%)209 (45.6%)4189 (49.5%)
 Junior college and above248 (8.4%)292 (7.8%)97 (7.3%)39 (8.5%)676 (8.0%)
Employment status<0.001
 Employed1325 (45.0%)1172 (31.4%)314 (23.6%)81 (17.7%)2892 (34.1%)
 Retired1065 (36.1%)1769 (47.4%)694 (52.1%)285 (62.2%)3813 (45.0%)
 Student3 (0.1%)1 (0.03%)1 (0.1%)1 (0.2%)6 (0.1%)
 Unemployed67 (2.3%)66 (1.8%)23 (1.7%)11 (2.4%)167 (2.0%)
 Jobless*487 (16.5%)726 (19.4%)300 (22.5%)80 (17.5%)1593 (18.8%)
Smoking status<0.001
 Daily smoker670 (22.8%)627 (16.8%)196 (14.7%)53 (11.6%)1546 (18.3%)
 Occasional smoker83 (2.8%)104 (2.8%)27 (2.0%)8 (1.8%)222 (2.6%)
 Non-smoker2192 (74.4%)3001 (80.4%)1107 (83.2%)396 (86.7%)6696 (79.1%)
Frequency of alcohol consumption<0.001
 At least 3 times a week269 (9.1%)300 (8.0%)86 (6.5%)21 (4.6%)676 (8.0%)
 1 or 2 times a week133 (4.5%)145 (3.9%)40 (3.0%)8 (1.7%)326 (3.9%)
 Less than once a week221 (7.5%)183 (4.9%)62 (4.7%)15 (3.3%)481 (5.7%)
 No drinking2323 (78.9%)3100 (83.2%)1144 (85.9%)414 (90.4%)6981 (82.5%)
Physical examination0.241
 Yes1722 (58.5%)2267 (60.7%)808 (60.7%)266 (58.2%)5063 (59.8%)
 No1220 (41.5%)1466 (39.3%)524 (39.3%)191 (41.8%)3401 (40.2%)
Health insurance<0.001
 No public health insurance66 (2.2%)73 (2.0%)17 (1.3%)5 (1.1%)161 (1.9%)
 UEBMI1327 (45.0%)1845 (49.4%)689 (51.7%)271 (59.2%)4132 (48.8%)
 URBMI441 (15.0%)625 (16.7%)229 (17.2%)73 (15.9%)1368 (16.1%)
 NRCMS1102 (37.4%)1176 (31.5%)386 (29.0%)106 (23.1%)2770 (32.7%)
 Others†11 (0.4%)15 (0.4%)11 (0.8%)3 (0.7%)40 (0.5%)
Socioeconomic status<0.001
 Quartile 1 (lowest)729 (24.7%)926 (24.8%)279 (20.9%)75 (16.4%)2009 (23.7%)
 Quartile 2765 (26.0%)960 (25.7%)309 (23.2%)118 (25.8%)2152 (25.4%)
 Quartile 3779 (26.4%)968 (25.9%)371 (27.9%)129 (28.2%)2247 (26.5%)
 Quartile 4 (highest)674 (22.9%)880 (23.6%)373 (28.0%)136 (29.7%)2063 (24.4%)
 East1175 (39.9%)1685 (45.1%)565 (42.4%)173 (37.8%)3598 (42.5%)
 Central1039 (35.3%)1211 (32.4%)418 (31.4%)153 (33.4%)2821 (33.3%)
 West733 (24.9%)838 (22.4%)349 (26.2%)132 (28.8%)2052 (24.2%)
Number of people in the household<0.001
 Population3.3 (1.5)3.3 (1.6)3.2 (1.6)3.3 (1.6)3.3 (1.6)
 Yes107 (3.6%)137 (3.7%)46 (3.5%)16 (3.5%)306 (3.6%)
 No2838 (96.4%)3593 (96.3%)1286 (96.5%)442 (96.5%)8159 (96.4%)
  • Data are shown as mean±SD deviation or n (%).

  • *Jobless includes urban and rural residents who cannot be employed due to disability or long-term bedridden illness or beyond the working age, while unemployed refers to those who have the ability to work but have not been given employment opportunities.

  • †Includes Government Employee Health Insurance and Government Labor Health Insurance.

  • NRCMS, New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme; UEBMI, Urban Employee Basic Medical Insurance; URBMI, Urban Resident Basic Medical Insurance.