Table 4

Compliance with recommended treatment strategy in enrolled children in intervention and control clusters

Intervention clusters*—5 day oral amoxicillin treatment (10 doses)—number (%)Children with chest-indrawing (N=2058)
 Received treatment for
 Full 5 days (10 doses)1724 (83.8%)
 4 to <5 days (8 to <10 doses)261 (12.7%)
 <4 days (<10 doses)73 (3.5%)
Control clusters—treatment at a health facility following referral—number (%)Children with chest-indrawing (N=1594)
 Inpatient treatment in a hospital167 (10.5%)
 Outpatient treatment from any physician clinic/outpatient department of a hospital1280 (80.3%)
 Any other treatment147 (9.2%)
  • *Missing data of 88 children were excluded from this analysis.

  • †Information was not collected from 273 children enrolled in the first few months of the study, who were excluded from this analysis.