Funder type | ChAdOx technology (to SG and AH only), £ (%) | Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccine, £ (%) | Total, £ (%) |
UK government | 5 511 316 (8.0) | 33 354 469 (95.5) | 38 865 785 (37.3) |
Overseas government | 26 252 085 (37.9) | 0 (0.0) | 26 252 085 (25.2) |
Charity | 21 468 904 (31.0) | 1 217 835 (3.5) | 22 686 739 (21.8) |
PPP | 12 943 763 (18.7) | 272 286 (0.8) | 13 216 049 (12.7) |
Research institution | 0 (0.0) | 68 106 (0.2) | 68 106 (0.1) |
Industry | 1 970 370 (2.8) | 0 (0.0) | 1 970 370 (1.9) |
Other | 1 166 941 (1.7) | 0 (0.0) | 1 166 941 (1.1) |
Total | 69 313 380 | 34 912 696 | 104 226 076 |
An approximation of the total amount of funding received for the adenovirus vector technology and the Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccine, for each funder type, is given in the total column.
AH, Professor Adrian Hill; ChAdOx, chimpanzee adenovirus-vectored vaccine; PPP, public–private partnership; SG, Professor Sarah Gilbert; UK, United Kingdom.