Table 4

Effect of payment for performance on the use of non-targeted services in the short and long term (results from the difference-in-difference analysis)

Outcome variablesFacilitiesShort-term effectDifference between
short and long term
Long-term effect
NBeta* (95% CI)P valueNBeta* (95% CI)P valueNBeta* (95% CI)P value
Outpatient visits per facility month >5 years963353−15.8 (−101.1 to 69.5)0.7144798162.3 (65.2 to 259.5)0.001542273.0 (−36.6 to 182.5)0.189
Outpatient visits per facility month >5 years, dispensaries692538−90.8 (−156.5 to −25.2)0.007357071.8 (30.8 to 112.8)0.0014075−50.5 (−116.6 to 15.7)0.133
Outpatient visits per facility month <5 years933247−41.1 (−93.2 to 10.9)0.120475480.52 (33.1 to 127.9)0.0015278−2.8 (−51.7 to 46.2)0.910
Outpatient visits per facility month <5 years, dispensaries722428−57.5 (−110.2 to −4.9)0.033355377.11 (44.2 to 110.0)0.0003950−10.08 (−56.0 to 35.8)0.663
  • *The beta is the estimated intervention effect controlling for a year dummy and facility-fixed effects.

  • N, facility months.