Table 2

Effect of the night travel ban on road fatalities in Zambia

Period (n)Preintervention annual average RTFsLevel change (ß2)
Intervention year==2016
Slope (trend) change (ß3)
Intervention year==2016
Overall impact
Estimated change in levels of RTFs95% CIEstimated change of trends in RTFs95% CI% change in RTC (Embedded Image)
2006–20201124.7−424.8−1042.7 to 193.2−477.5***−816.3 to −138.6−57.5
2012–20201809.7−521.2**−1002.8 to −39.5−608.7**−1014.9 to −202.5−68.9
  • *ITSA model Newey-West SEs. Models includes time-varying covariates such as motor vehicle population and human population. ***Significant at below 1%, ** Significant at between 1% and 5%,** Significant at between 5% and 10%

  • ITSA, interrupted time series analysis; RTCs, road traffic crashes; RTFs, road traffic fatalities.