Table 1

(A) Effect of the night travel ban on road crashes in Zambia and (B) effect of the night travel ban on road crashes and fatalities in Zambia, with and without including year 2020

(A) Effect of the night travel ban on road crashes in Zambia
Period (n)Preintervention annual average RTCsLevel change (ß2)
Intervention year==2016
Slope (trend) change (ß3)
Intervention year==2016
Overall impact
Estimated change in levels of RTCs95% CIEstimated change of trends in RTCs95% CI% change in RTC (Embedded Image)
2006–202017 668.4−4131.3**−7680.1 to−582.5−2485.5***−4250.9 to−720.0−24.0
2012–202027 924.9−4370.7***−6467.3 to−2274.1−3001.7***−3911.4 to−2091.9−26.7
(B) Effect of the night travel ban on road crashes and fatalities in Zambia, with and without including year 2020
Period (n)Preintervention annual averageLevel change (ß2)
Intervention year==2016
Slope (trend) change (ß3)
Intervention year==2016
Estimated change in levels95% CIEstimated change of trends95% CI
 2006–201917 668.4−4378.741**8434.8 to −322.6−2370.46**−4088.1 to −652.8
 2006–202017 668.4−4131.3**−7680.1 to −582.5−2485.5***−4250.9 to −720.0
 2006–20191809.7−408.7*−1384.181 to −0.66−484.96**−283.8 to −197.6
 2006–20201809.7−521.2**−1002.8 to −39.5−608.7**−1014.9 to −202.5
  • *ITSA model Newey-West SEs. Models include time-varying covariates such as motor vehicle population and human population. ***Significant at below 1%, ** Significant at between 1% and 5%,** Significant at between 5% and 10%

  • ITSA, interrupted time series analysis; RTCs, road traffic crashes; RTFs, road traffic fatalities.