Table 2

Overview of surveys

CountrySurvey name*SettingSurvey descriptionSampled households (n)Sample methodNumber of antibiotics in drug bag†
MalawiMR1Chikwawa district
Survey conducted with households of community controls who had been randomly matched with participating febrile patient cases presenting at FIEBRE study facilities825Semi-random27
MR2Chikwawa district
Targeted survey that included households both in same areas as MR1 and in more remote areas of Chikwawa, further from public healthcare facilities. Selected households followed up ethnographically100Purposive
ZimbabweZU1Harare–Budiriro, Glenview and Glen Norah (urban)Survey conducted with households of community controls who had been randomly matched with participating febrile patient cases presenting at FIEBRE study facilities336Semi-random30
ZU2Harare–Mbare and Budiriro
Targeted survey that included households both in same areas as ZU1 and in the dense township of Mbare with large marketplace. Selected households followed up ethnographically100Purposive
Survey in an informal settlement in Kampala, conducted as part of AMIS study. Selected households followed up ethnographically350Purposive37
URTororo district–Nagongera
Survey in a rural town in Tororo district, conducted as part of AMIS study. Selected households followed up ethnographically100Purposive16
  • *M, Malawi, Z, Zimbabwe, U, Uganda; 1larger, semi-random survey, 2smaller, purposively sampled survey; R, rural, U, urban.

  • †The number indicates how many different antibiotic substances were included. Where possible, we also included different modes of administration for the same substances to maximise the chances of recognition by respondents; however, these fine-grained differences are not explicitly represented in our quantitative analyses to avoid overcomplication. See online supplemental material for breakdown of drug bag contents by antibiotic substance and mode of administration.

  • AMIS, Antimicrobials in Society; FIEBRE, Febrile Illness Evaluation in a Broad Range of Endemicities.