Table 1

Descriptive frequencies of demographics and socioeconomic characteristics for women in the datasets before matching

Characteristic0% community sanitation coverage (n, %)1%–30% community sanitation coverage (n, %)31%–60% community sanitation coverage (n, %)61%–99% community sanitation coverage (n, %)100% community sanitation coverage (n, %)χ2 p value
N=96 933N=217 438N=167 602N=499 345N=647 100
 118 971 (19.6%)46 704 (21.5%)38 527 (23.0%)119 832 (24.0%)182 198 (28.2%)
 213 576 (14.0%)33 189 (15.3%)27 076 (16.2%)80 894 (16.2%)124 087 (19.2%)
 34747 (4.9%)12 688 (5.8%)9865 (5.9%)27 007 (5.4%)38 734 (6.0%)
 446 631 (48.1%)97 567 (44.9%)71 409 (42.6%)213 382 (42.7%)241 848 (37.4%)
 ≥513 008 (13.4%)27 290 (12.6%)20 725 (12.4%)58 230 (11.7%)60 233 (9.3%)
Wealth quintile<0.001
 152 434 (54.2%)92 018 (42.4%)55 677 (33.3%)123 505 (24.8%)98 640 (15.3%)
 220 336 (21.0%)53 527 (24.7%)40 784 (24.4%)107 096 (21.5%)113 400 (17.5%)
 314 749 (15.2%)41 709 (19.2%)35 807 (21.4%)110 310 (22.1%)130 368 (20.2%)
 47341 (7.6%)22 579 (10.4%)23 971 (14.3%)89 576 (18.0%)139 652 (21.6%)
 51966 (2.0%)7311 (3.4%)11 163 (6.7%)68 123 (13.7%)164 287 (25.4%)
Mother’s education<0.001
 None67 388 (69.6%)117 996 (54.6%)71 694 (43.2%)157 957 (31.9%)107 664 (16.8%)
 Some primary15 969 (16.5%)40 198 (18.6%)35 375 (21.3%)126 935 (25.6%)103 577 (16.2%)
 Completed primary4041 (4.2%)15 978 (7.4%)15 583 (9.4%)58 992 (11.9%)81 527 (12.7%)
 Higher than primary9415 (9.7%)42 018 (19.4%)43 280 (26.1%)151 496 (30.6%)346 911 (54.2%)
Antenatal care quintile*<0.001
 114 317 (35.1%)37 596 (31.6%)27 457 (27.1%)77 975 (23.5%)94 209 (20.5%)
 210 077 (24.7%)28 651 (24.1%)25 528 (25.2%)82 742 (25.0%)132 447 (28.8%)
 39185 (22.5%)29 232 (24.6%)26 636 (26.3%)85 478 (25.8%)115 403 (25.1%)
 44182 (10.3%)12 132 (10.2%)11 466 (11.3%)50 163 (15.1%)69 923 (15.2%)
 53025 (7.4%)11 229 (9.4%)10 365 (10.2%)35 194 (10.6%)47 733 (10.4%)
Urban residence91 314 (94.2%)201 884 (92.8%)142 957 (85.3%)355 060 (71.1%)269 283 (41.6%)<0.001
Mother ˂150 cm14 320 (21.9%)41 456 (26.3%)31 417 (26.3%)72 625 (22.8%)85 088 (19.7%)<0.001
Male child49 562 (51.1%)112 769 (51.9%)86 824 (51.8%)256 967 (51.5%)333 468 (51.5%)<0.001
Delivery in a facility29 943 (30.9%)97 533 (44.9%)87 464 (52.2%)295 282 (59.2%)482 432 (74.6%)<0.001