Table 4

Estimated model coefficients and absolute risk differences for primary outcomes

HIV default (monthly)NCD default (monthly)Paediatric malnutrition case findingTuberculosis case findingFamily planningAntenatal care
Informative priors
 Coefficient−0.01−0.25−0.11(Insufficient data)(No elicitation)0.39
 95% CrI(−0.07 to 0.06)(−0.41 to –0.08)(−0.19 to –0.03)(0.23 to 0.56)
 Absolute risk difference−0.01 pp−0.82 pp−0.55 per 10006.47 pp
 95% CrI(−0.55 to 0.54)(−2.48 to 0.54)(−2.52 to 0.81)(−0.30 to 15.83)
Weakly informative priors
 95% CrI(−0.06 to 0.06)(−0.31 to 0.05)(−0.60 to –0.36)(−0.99 to –0.78)(0.13 to 0.49)
 Absolute risk difference−0.02−0.43 pp−2.34 per 1000−0.55 pp4.92 pp
 95% CrI(−0.56 to 0.51)(−2.00 to 0.96)(−6.37 to –0.39)(−1.31 to –0.01)(−1.78 to 13.46)
  • CrI, credible interval; ICC, intraclass correlation coefficient; NCD, non-communicable disease.