Birth weight for all babies born in non-KMC-implementing facilities accurately taken with digital scales and recorded by trained health workers (HWs), and birth weight of home births recorded by community health workers (CHWs). Referral of all <2000 g babies to a KMC-implementing facility assisted by HWs. HWs motivated, supported and monitored to perform above tasks. Community engaged to accept and support referral of newborns <2000 g for KMC.
| Conducive environment for KMC established and maintained (facilities and staffing). Policies supportive of KMC established—mothers given rights and means to stay with babies (beds, food, bathing, toilet, etc). HWs motivated and supported to help mothers start and provide effective KMC. Counselling provided by HWs to sustain effective KMC while in the facility and after discharge. Birth weight of inborn babies accurately measured and recorded, and newborns <2000 g transferred to newborn intensive care unit or KMC ward. Performance of staff and facility conditions for KMC monitored and supported.
| Links (eg, phone calls and referral slips) established between KMC facility and CHWs to inform about discharge of <2000 g babies. Home visits by CHWs held to support KMC at home after discharge from facility. Champions (such as experienced mothers) identified to promote and assist with KMC in the community. Community events held to talk about benefits of KMC—for example, health fairs, celebrations of 6-month/first birthday. Performance of CHWs in supporting KMC reviewed in regular supervision contacts.