Table 2

Mortality figures (expected, observed and excess deaths) in the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic from the 42nd week of 2020 to the 2nd week of 2021 resulted in excess deaths in comparison with that of the relevant period of 2014–2019 by DI quintile and the districts with the lowest and the highest representation of Roma population in Hungary

DI quintileObserved number of deathsExpected number of deathsExcess number of deathsExcess death rate
(per 100 000)
Observed number of COVID-19 deathsCrude COVID-19 death rate (per 100 000)Representation of deaths caused by COVID-19 among excess deaths (%)
I. Least deprived591943131606 (1494–1714)114.12 (108.60–119.84)119184.63 (79.89–89.58)74.16 (71.96–76.24)
II.13 46097293731 (3564–3894)132.93 (128.70–137.27)3110110.81 (106.95–114.77)83.36 (82.13–84.52)
III.15 39211 0934299 (4122–4473)137.69 (133.61–141.87)3712118.89 (115.1–122.78)86.35 (85.29–87.34)
IV.993770002938 (2798–3074)161.94 (156.14–167.90)2319127.82 (122.67–133.13)78.93 (77.42–80.37)
V. Most deprived395127401211 (1124–1295)158.07 (149.30–167.23)897117.04 (109.51–124.96)74.07 (71.53–76.46)
Districts with lowest representation of Roma population*23961799597 (443–545)102.52 (94.47–111.09)54693.70 (86.00–101.90)91.39 (88.87–93.39)
Districts with highest representation of Roma population†1490994496 (443–545)185.67 (169.68–202.76)329123.24 (110.28–137.31)66.33 (62.06–70.35)
  • *Highlighted by light blue with dashed line on the maps.

  • †Highlighted by turquoise blue on the maps.

  • DI, Deprivation Index.