Table 1

Description of the governance elements of the adapted framework

Governance elementDescription10 27
Policy guidance and visionFormulating sector strategies and also specific technical policies; defining goals, directions and spending priorities across services
Participation, collaboration and coalition buildingAcross sectors in government and with actors outside government, including civil society, to influence action on key determinants of health and access to health services; to generate support for public policies, and to keep the different parts connected—so called ‘joined up government’
Accountability and transparencyEnsuring all actors involved in health are accountable to the public as well as to the institutional stakeholders. Transparency is needed to achieve accountability
Regulation and incentivesDesigning regulations and incentives and making sure they are fairly enforced
System designEnsuring a fit between strategy and structure and reducing duplication and fragmentation
Intelligence and informationEnsuring generation, analysis and use of intelligence and information on coverage, service access especially for vulnerable populations