Table 3

Distribution of mistreatment items by measure and country (N=1974, unless otherwise noted)

Interpersonal Abuse Scale (7 items)
 1.Shouted/screamed at52.620.721.2
 5.Negative comments *
 6.Threatened †
 7.Physical abuse ‡
 Mean Scale Score (±SD)
 Maximum score: 7 points
1.8 (1.8)
(range: 0–7)
0.5 (1.0)
(range: 0–6)
0.7 (1.0)
(range: 0–7)
 % of women>country mean 48.231.439.9
Exams & Procedures Index (3 items) (N=1538)(N=350)(N=797)(N=391)
 1.No informed consent78.672.550.1
 3.Confidential information47.44.19.7
Mean Index Score (±SD)
 Maximum score: 3 points
2.0 (0.97)
(range: 0–3)
0.8 (0.60)
(range: 0–3)
0.9 (0.76)
(range: 0–3)
 % of women>country mean 38.974.366.8
Unsupportive Birth Environment Index (12 items)
 1. No pain relief92.986.187.5
 2. No interpreter0.71.30.3
 3. No staff present at birth7.61.98.1
 4. Not offered labour companion96.193.688.4
 5. Neglected1.50.20.8
 6. Bribe3.40.76.4
 7.Clean up blood/fluids1.5--0.2
 8. Fluids43.043.630.8
 9. Mobilise93.675.919.1
 10. No curtains/partitions88.515.163.5
 11. No bed1.20.94.6
 12. Shared bed0.31.221.8
Mean Index Score (±SD)
 Maximum score: 12 points
4.3 (0.81)
(range: 2–7)
3.2 (1.0)
(range: 1–6)
3.3 (1.1)
(range: 1–7)
% of women>country mean
  • *Assessed as: Did the woman receive negative comments about: (1) her physical appearance (including her weight, genitalia, cleanliness or other aspects of a woman’s body), (2) her sexual activity, (3) or her baby’s appearance (including his/her sex or other aspects of the baby)?.

  • †Assessed as: Was the woman threatened with: (1) physical violence, (2) a poor outcome for her or her baby, (3) withholding care from her or her baby or (4) with the use of a medical procedure (such as episiotomy, Caesarean or other procedure)?.

  • ‡Assessed as: Did the woman experience at least one of the following?: pinched, kicked, slapped, punched or hit with instrument, gagged, physically tied to the bed, held down to the bed forcefully, given forceful downward pressure on abdomen, other use of physical force.