Table 1

Information collected

Data collectedSource
Retrospective landscape analysisYear of establishment (abbreviated year of establishment)Ministry of Health reports, government legislation,
insurance fund administrative documents
Description of HBP entitlementsGovernment published documentation
Income group at year of establishmentWorld Bank classifications
Government spending on health as % of THE at year of establishmentWHO DataBank
Out-of-pocket spending as % of THE at year of establishmentWHO DataBank
External spending on health as % of THE at year of establishmentWHO DataBank
Sources of financing (when available) at year of establishmentDonor reporting documentation, evaluations of budget support
Government published documentation, country mid-term expenditure reports
HBP revisionsHBP revisions: yearGovernment published documentation, peer-reviewed papers, peer-reviewed literature or grey literature (country reviews and case studies)
HBP revisions: nature of the revisionsGovernment legislation, Ministry of Health documentation, peer-reviewed papers, grey literature (country reviews and case studies)
HBP coverage of vertical programmesCoverage of HIV/AIDS interventionsGovernment published documentation, peer-reviewed papers, grey literature (country reviews and case studies)
Coverage of malaria interventionsGovernment published documentation, peer-reviewed papers, grey literature (country reviews and case studies)
Coverage of TB interventionsGovernment published documentation, peer-reviewed papers, grey literature (country reviews and case studies)
Coverage of MCH interventionsGovernment published documentation, peer-reviewed papers, grey literature (country reviews and case studies)
Coverage of contraceptivesGovernment published documentation, peer-reviewed papers, grey literature (country reviews and case studies)
Coverage of immunisationGovernment published documentation, peer-reviewed papers, grey literature (country reviews and case studies)
  • ‘Government published documentation’ includes Ministry of Health or Health Insurance Fund legislative documents, website pages, reports, decrees, administrative documents or press releases.

  • HBP, health benefits package; MCH, maternal and child health; TB, tuberculosis; THE, total health expenditure.