Table 3

Meta-regression of indicators of intervention context, delivery and potential mechanism of impact on intervention outcomes

Variable descriptionRR95% CI LB
95% CI UB
P valueN (studies)
 Proportion PLHIV on ART (10% change)0.810.41 to 1.610.405
Intervention delivery
 100 HIVST distributed per 10K population1.140.82 to 1.570.234
 Proportion taking up HIVST using survey data (10% change)1.121.04 to 1.210.025
Mechanism of impact
 Proportion knowing where to link with an HIV-positive result (10% change)0.870.61 to 1.240.244
  • Number of HIVST distributed per 10 000 population is not available for Indravudh et al,17 and proportion knowing where to link with an HIV-positive result is not available for Indravudh et al 2021.8

  • ART, antiretroviral therapy; HIVST, HIV self-testing; PLHIV, people living with HIV.