Table 2

Pathological features in the complete diagnostic autopsy (gold standard) and the minimally invasive autopsy of malaria-specific deaths

CaseComplete diagnostic autopsyMinimally invasive autopsy
Blood parasitaemiaCNSLungOtherDiagnosisCNSLungOtherDiagnosis
1Negative *Mild parasitaemiaCongestion, haemorrhageAbundant haemozoin in spleen and liverSevere malaria (treated)Congestion, haemorrhageAbundant haemozoin in spleen and liverSevere malaria, pulmonary haemorrhage
2271.000Massive parasitaemiaMassive parasitaemia, haemozoinParasites and haemozoin in spleen, liver, heart, kidney, bowelCerebral malariaMassive parasitaemiaMassive parasitaemia, haemozoinParasites and haemozoin in spleen, liver, heart, kidneyCerebral malaria
32.879Massive parasitaemia, oedemaMild parasitaemia, haemozoinParasites and haemozoin in spleen, liver, heart, kidneyCerebral malariaMassive parasitaemia, oedemaMild parasitaemia, haemozoinParasites and haemozoin in spleen, liver, heart, kidneyCerebral malaria
434.958Moderate parasitaemia, oedemaAbundant haemozoin, oedemaParasites in spleen. Abundant haemozoin in spleen, liverCerebral malariaModerate parasitaemia, oedemaAbundant haemozoin, oedemaParasites in spleen. Abundant haemozoin in spleen, liverCerebral malaria
5212.308Moderate parasitaemiaMassive parasitaemia, haemozoin, oedemaParasites in spleen, liver, heart. Abundant haemozoin in spleen, liverCerebral malariaModerate parasitaemiaMassive parasitaemia, haemozoin, oedemaParasites in spleen, liver, heart. Abundant haemozoin in spleen, liverCerebral malaria
6176.738Massive parasitaemiaMassive parasitaemia, haemozoinParasites in spleen, liver, kidney, uterus. Abundant haemozoin in spleen, liverCerebral malariaMassive parasitaemiaMassive parasitaemia, haemozoinParasites in spleen, liver, kidneyCerebral malaria
  • *Patient had received antimalarial treatment prior to arrival.

  • CNS, central nervous system.