Table 2

Regression results for the association between institutional mistrust and child vaccination status

None of the basic vaccinationsAll basic vaccinations
NOR* (95% CI)P valueNOR* (95% CI)P value
Standardised institutional mistrust index162 8231.10 (1.03 to 1.18)0.003166 9530.94 (0.92 to 0.97)0.00002
  • Data are ORs from logistic regression that regressed child vaccination status on a standardised index of public mistrust (continuous measure). Each OR quantifies the associated change in the likelihood that the child had not received any of the basic vaccinations or the likelihood that the child had received all basic vaccinations when public mistrust is increased by 1 SD. Sample restricted to children aged 12–59 months. Subnational regions without variation in the outcome variable were omitted from the sample resulting in a different number of observations (N) across the models.

  • *Adjusted for differences in child’s age (binary variables for different age cohorts), sex, birth-order and birth-interval; maternal age and age at which her first child was born; maternal and paternal level of education; household wealth, demographics and location (rural/urban); time-invariant subnational region characteristics (subnational region fixed effects) and variation across DHS survey years (survey-year fixed effects). We further controlled for access to and utilisation of healthcare services at the household and DHS cluster level.

  • DHS, Demographic and Health Surveys.