Table 2

Uptake of services available through the DREAMS partnership, by study group

DREAMS cities
Non-DREAMS towns
n/N (%)n/N (%)OR (95% CI)P value
Direct HIV prevention and clinical services
Recently HIV tested (within 6 months prior to the survey)
 No181/537 (33.7)152/478 (31.8)
 Yes356/537 (66.3)326/478 (68.2)1.32 (0.83 to 2.10)0.237*
Ever been offered PrEP
 No285/538 (53.0)476/481 (99.0)
 Yes253/538 (47.0)5/481 (0.9)<0.001†
Current use of contraceptive methods (including condom)
 No61/495 (12.3)101/432 (23.4)
 Yes434/495 (87.7)331/432 (76.6)1.37 (0.71 to 2.63)0.343*
Attendance to Sisters with a Voice clinic in past 12 months
 No221/538 (41.1)344/480 (71.7)
 Yes317/538 (58.9)136/480 (28.3)12.51 (6.90 to 22.69)<0.001*
Saw condom promotion activities in the past 12 months
 No175/536 (32.6)225/479 (47.0)
 Yes361/536 (67.4)254/479 (53.0)1.91 (1.22 to 3.00)0.005*
Attendance to Sisters with a Voice community mobilisation meeting in past 12 months
 No464/537 (86.4)453/480 (94.4)
 Yes73/537 (13.6)27/480 (5.6)22.76 (3.09 to 167.71)0.002*
Social and economic protection services
Receipt of cash transfer or educational subsidy in past 12 months
 No516/538 (95.9)480/480 (100.0)
 Yes22/538 (4.1)0/480 (0.0)<0.001†
Participation in continuing education programme in past 12 months
 No528/538 (98.1)480/480 (100.0)
 Yes10/538 (1.9)0/480 (0.0)0.002†
Participation in job preparation training in past 12 months
 No529/538 (98.3)480/480 (100.0)
 Yes9/538 (1.7)0/480 (0.0)0.004†
Participation in apprenticeship in past 12 months‡
 No538/538 (100.0)480/480 (100.0)
 Yes0/538 (0.0)0/480 (0.0)
Participation in internal savings and loan group in past 12 months
 No514/537 (95.7)479/479 (100.0)
 Yes23/537 (4.3)0/479 (0.0)<0.001†
Gender-based violence care and support services
Accessed healthcare services after experiencing GBV in past 12 months§
 No49/63 (77.8)40/48 (83.3)
 Yes14/63 (22.2)8/48 (16.7)1.38 (0.15 to 10.05)0.832*
Provided with shelter in past 12 months (among women experiencing GBV)
 No188/189 (99.5)181/183 (98.9)
 Yes1/189 (0.5)2/183 (1.1)0.549†
  • *Age and site adjusted Wald test p value.

  • †Fisher’s exact p value—OR and 95% CI could not be estimated using logistic regression due to sparse data.

  • ‡Fisher’s exact p value or OR and 95% CI could not be estimated due to sparse data.

  • §Among YWSS who experienced sexual violence.

  • DREAMS, Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored and Safe; GBV, gender-based violence; PrEP, pre-exposure prophylaxis.