Table 2

Outbreak investigations, surveillance data analyses and evaluations conducted in Namibia by advanced NamFELTP trainees, 2014–2019

Outbreak investigations and response
 Zoonotic diseases (foot and mouth, rabies, anthrax, CCHF, Rift Valley fever)1337
 Vaccine preventable diseases (measles, rubella, chickenpox, tetanus, meningitis)1029
 Food-waterborne diseases (cholera, schistosomiasis, acute watery diarrhoea, hepatitis E virus)823
 H1N1 influenza13
Surveillance data analyses and surveillance system evaluation
 Vaccine preventable disease (measles, rubella, chicken pox, tetanus, meningitis)1122
 Zoonotic diseases (foot and mouth, rabies, brucellosis, bovine spongiform encephalitis)714
 Food-waterborne diseases (cholera, schistosomiasis, acute watery diarrhoea)510
 Maternal and Neonatal Health36
 Others (accident and injuries, mental health, clubfoot)36
 Epidemiological studies
 Non-communicable diseases (hypertension, diabetes, breast, cervical and prostate cancers)826
 Zoonotic diseases (rabies, porcine cysticercosis, foot and mouth)619
 Others (food safety, patient referral patterns, hepatitis E virus)413
 Maternal and child health (adverse pregnancy outcomes, neonatal mortality, stillbirth and childhood undermalnutrition)413
 Vaccine preventable diseases (measles, hepatitis B)27
  • NamFELTP, Namibia Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Programme; TB, tuberculosis.