Table 3

Effect of implementation of interprovincial travel measures

StudyStudy designModel typeEpidemiological assumptionsTravel measure(s)Outcomes investigatedScenarios of interventionEstimated effect(s)
Aleta et al45ModelledStochastic SEIR-metapopulation model.Generation time: 7.5 days; R0: 2.4; later period: 3 days.Wuhan travel measures.Cases in Mainland China outside of Wuhan.Travel measures implemented on 23 January.A reduced reduced number of cases but only in the short term.
Chinazzi et al28ModelledIndividual-based, stochastic global epidemic and mobility model.R0: 2.57; doubling time: 4.2; no changes in transmissibility within China.Wuhan travel measures.Cases in Mainland China outside of Wuhan.Travel measures implemented on 23 January.Reduction of cases was approximately 10% by 31 January (range 1–58%).
Timing of epidemic peak.Wuhan travel ban delayed epidemic progression by 3–5 days in China.
Fang et al40ModelledDynamic distributed lag regression model.Incubation period: up to 22 days.Wuhan travel measures.Number of cases in cities outside of Hubei from 23 January to 29 February.Travel measures implemented on 23 January.COVID-19 cases would be 64.81% higher in 347 cities outside Hubei (20 810 vs 12 626), and 52.64% higher in 16 other cities in Hubei as of 29 February (23 400 vs 15 330).
Shi and Fang al41ModelledAutoregressive integrated moving average model.Incubation period: 4–6 days.Wuhan travel measures.Cumulative number of confirmed cases outside Wuhan by 29 February.Travel measures implemented on 23 January.Travel ban may have prevented approximately 19 768 (95% CI 13 589 to 25 946) cases outside of Wuhan by 29 February (39% reduction).
Tian et al42ModelledDeterministic SEIR model.R0: 3.15.Wuhan travel measures.Arrival times in cities across Mainland China by 19 February.Travel measures implemented on 23 January.Delayed arrival time by 2.91 days (95% CI: 2.54, 3.29).
Cases in Mainland China outside of Wuhan by 19 February.National number of cases decreased from 744 000 (±156 000) to 202 000 (±10 000) (72.8% decrease).
Kraemer et al44ModelledGeneralised linear model.Doubling time: 4.0 days (outside Hubei), 7.2 days (inside Hubei); incubation period 5.1 days.Wuhan travel measures.Cases in Mainland China outside of Wuhan by end of February.Travel measures implemented on 23 January.Travel measures reduced growth rates outside, which became negative after 23 January; provinces with greater mobility from Wuhan displayed more rapidly declining growth rates.
Tang et al43ModelledDeterministic SEIR model.R0: 6.47.Wuhan travel measures.Cases in select locations outside of Wuhan.Travel measures implemented on 23 January.Travel restriction reduced the number of infected individuals in Beijing over 7 days by 91.14%.
Hou et al47ModelledDeterministic SEIR model.Incubation period: 7 days.Wuhan travel measures.Effective reproductive rate.Travel measures implemented on 23 January.Travel measures significantly changed transmission dynamics within China.
Li et al48ModelledStochastic SEIR model.R0 at the beginning of the epidemic to be 2.38.Wuhan travel measures.Reproductive number.Travel measures implemented on 23 January.Travel measure reduced the reproductive number from 2.38 down to 1.34 and 0.98, in the 1-week and 2-week period immediately following their introduction.
Lau et al49ObservationalRetrospective regression model.R0: 2.2–3.9: mean incubation period: 5.1 days.Wuhan travel measures.Doubling time.Travel measures implemented on 23 January.Significant increase in doubling time from 2 to 4 days after lockdown.
Wu et al53ModelledDeterministic SEIR model.R0=2.6, zoonotic force=86/day until 1 January market closure.Wuhan travel measures.Exported cases in the rest of Mainland China.Travel restrictions led to either a 0% or 50% reduction in travel outside of Wuhan.Even a 50% reduction in intercity mobility would have a negligible effect on the epidemic dynamics.
Liu et al52ObservationalLinear regression.Incubation period: 3–7 days.Wuhan travel measures.Cases exported outside of Wuhan.Travel measures implemented on 23 January.A mean value of 129 cases exported per 10 000 people who left Wuhan.
Travel measures implemented 2 days earlier.An estimated 1420 (95% CI 1059 to 1833) cases would have been prevented.
Travel measures implemented 2 days later.An estimated 1462 (95% CI 1059 to 1833) additional cases would have happened.
Yuan et al46ModelledRegression model.Incubation period: 5 days.Wuhan travel measures in combination with a stay-at-home movement.Cases in 44 regions outside of Wuhan by 27 February.Travel measures implemented on 23 January.Reduced the number of cases outside of Wuhan from 41 477 to 30 765.
Cases in 44 regions outside of Wuhan by 27 February.Travel measures implemented 3 days earlier.Further reduce the number of cases to between 15 768 and 21 245.
Su et al54ModelledDeterministic SEIR model.R0=2.91, 2.78, 2.02 and 1.75 for Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, respectively.Wuhan travel measures in combination with other non-pharmaceutical interventions.Transmission rates in four metropolitan areas of China.Different contract rates were assumed to result from reduced population flow.Travel restrictions contributed to a reduction in the contact rate and reduced the time to peak and the number of cases.
Jiang et al50ModelledTime-varying sparse vector autoregressive model.Incubation period: 10 days.Travel measures introduced in five cities of Hubei (Wuhan, Huanggang, Ezhou, Chibi and Zhijiang).Daily transmission routes from Hubei to other provinces through 19 February.Travel measures started to be implemented on 23 January.Travel restrictions reduced transmission between provinces.
Lai et al51ModelledStochastic SEIR model.R0: 2.2; incubation period: 5.2 days.Wuhan travel measures in combination with other non-pharmaceutical interventions.Cases in Mainland China outside of Wuhan.Travel measures implemented on 23 January.Early detection and isolation of cases more effective than travel restrictions; travel restricts reduced the number of cases outside of Wuhan as well as its geographic spread.
Cases in Mainland China outside of Wuhan.If travel restrictions of same magnitude were implemented 1, 2 or 3 weeks earlier.If interventions were conducted 1, 2 or 3 weeks earlier, cases will reduce by 66%, 86% or 95%, respectively.
Total number of cases outside of Wuhan.If travel restrictions of same magnitude were implemented 1, 2 or 3 weeks later.If interventions were conducted 1, 2 or 3 weeks later, cases may increase 3-fold, 7-fold or 18-fold, respectively.
Hossain et al58ModelledMeta-population model.R0: 2.92; latent period: 5.2 days; generation time: 8.4 days.Border control and quarantine.Arrival time outside of Wuhan.Theoretical application of measures.Arrival time is delayed by 32.5 days and 44 days under a low R0 (1.4) but under higher R0 (2.92) only 10 extra days can be gained.