Table 1

Timeline of outputs for deploying the digital reporting system, Social Mobilisation Action Consortium (SMAC), Sierra Leone, January–March 2015

OutputsTimelines (2015)
Project management and information technology infrastructure established to oversee rapid data collection, action triggering, and repository building15 January10 February
Data management staff recruited and trained31 January10 February
Data analysis and reporting plan finalised31 January10 February
ODK and SMS data collection platforms customised and tested2 February10 February
Training materials developed and finalised4 February10 February
DDCS deployed in Western Area Urban and Western Area Rural districts where Ebola transmission was highest at the time15 February31 March
DDCS deployed in remaining four high transmission districts22 February21 March
SMAC community-based EVD surveillance and reporting initiated and operational in all six high transmission districts28 February23 March
  • DDCS, Digital Data Collection System; EVD, Ebola virus disease; ODK, Open Data Kit; SMS, short message service.