Table 3

Infant immunisation outcomes

Control†Intervention†Risk difference (95% CI)Odds ratio (95% CI)P value*
Infants who received OPV 0 within 2 weeks of birth341 (64.6%)361 (66.0%)1.7% (-3.6% to 8.4%)1.08 (0.77 to 1.51)0.663
Infants who received measles I by 12 months of age328 (74.0%)339 (87.6%)13.2% (9.1% to 18.4%)2.71 (1.45 to 5.04)0.002
Fully immunised infants (≤12 months) per WHO standards324 (73.6%)352 (88.9%)15.6% (11.5% to 20.9%)3.52 (1.74 to 7.12)<0.001
Fully-immunised infants (≤12 months) per Republic of Kenya MOH standards320 (73.1%)348 (87.7%)15.1% (10.4% to 20.3%)3.16 (1.61 to 6.21)<0.001
  • *P value is for OR from mixed effect logistic regression.

  • †Denominators are based on number of women reporting the particular outcome. See online supplemental table S1 for details.

  • OPV, oral polio vaccine.