Table 3

Changes in population-level child mortality rates* in the initial idHSS and control catchments, 2014 to 2018

IndicatorCatchment201420162018Annual trends
Estimate (95% CI)idHSS vs controlEstimate (95% CI)idHSS vs controlEstimate (95% CI)idHSS vs controlRelative change (%)Absolute change2014 to 2018 idHSS vs control
Under-five mortality
(per 1000 live births)
idHSS104 (73 to 13)84 (54 to 114)89 (57 to 120)-4-4
Control169 (128 to 209)−65143 (111 to 176)−59151 (115 to 187)−62-3-40
Infant mortality rate
(per 1000 live births)
idHSS66 (40 to 92)58 (37 to 78)59 (38 to 81)-3-2
Control64 (46 to 83)263 (47 to 79)-572 (49 to 95)−1332-4
Neonatal mortality rate
(per 1000 live births)
idHSS47 (27 to 68)30 (15 to 45)33 (16 to 51)-7-4
Control34 (18 to 51)1336 (23 to 48)-650 (28 to 72)−17124-8
  • *Estimations use data from the 5 years prior to each survey to allow for sufficient sample sizes.

  • idHSS, integrated district-level health system strengthening.