Table 1

Characteristics of included studies

Author(s) and year of publicationStudy designCountryStudy settingFundingConflict of interestMental health condition reported after snakebite (including envenomation status)
Ali 194811Case reportBangladesh40-year-old woman seen in community (home-visit) in a rural areaNot reportedNot reportedHysteria (non-convulsive) after snakebite envenoming
Adogu et al, 199212Case reportNigeria17-year-old woman admitted in emergency department of a hospitalNot reportedNot reportedHysterical paralysis of limb after snakebite (unidentified) envenoming
Mehrpour et al 201814Case reportIran19-year-old man soldier admitted in emergency department of a hospitalNot reportedAuthors declared no competing interests.Visual hallucination (psychiatric symptom only with no cause identified) after Adder envenoming
Ratnakaran et al, 201613Case reportIndia42-year-old man who attended skin outpatient department initiallyNo fundingAuthors declared no competing interests.Organic delusional (schizophrenia-like) disorder (ICD-10). psychosis in clear consciousness following a secondary empty Sella syndrome as the sequelae of a Russel’s Viper envenoming
Williams et al, 201116Case–controlSri LankaRural area with predominantly agricultural population in an area with high snakebitesSouth Asian Clinical Toxicology Research CollaborationAuthors declared no competing interests.Depression; PTSD after snakebite envenoming
Khosrojerdi and Amini, 201317CohortIranHospital based in a medical toxicology centreNo fundingAuthors declared no competing interests.Acute stress disorder; PTSD after snakebite, irrespective of envenomation status (90.5% received snake anti-venom)
Wijesinghe et al, 201515Randomised Controlled TrialSri LankaPredominantly rural agricultural population in an area with highest numbers of reported snakebitesSouth Asian Clinical Toxicology Research CollaborationAuthors declared no competing interests.Depression; Psychosocial disability; PTSD after snakebite envenoming
Muhammed et al, 201718Cross-sectionalNigeriaRegional snakebite reference centre in a hospital within the Sudan savannah vegetation of the Benue river valley and known for carpet vipers’ envenomation.Nigerian Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training ProgrammeAuthors declared no competing interests.Depression after snakebite envenoming (inferred as all patients had received anti-venom)
Rahman et al, 201819Cross-sectionalBangladeshHilly area with predominantly tribal populationNot mentionedNot reportedPsychiatric manifestations (in general); PTSD; Depression after snakebite, irrespective of envenomation status (34.7% received snake anti-venom)
Habib et al, 202021CohortNigeriaGeneral Hospital in an insurgency prone area. The hospital is in a semi-urban town that serves as the headquarters to the Local Government Area.Not reportedAuthors declared no competing interests.Psychosocial impairment, PTSD after snakebite, irrespective of envenomation status (93% received snake antivenom)
Halilu et al, 201920Modelling41 sub-Saharan African countries41 sub-Saharan African countriesNot reportedNot reportedPTSD after snakebite envenoming
  • PTSD, post-traumatic stress disorder.