Table 2

Contribution to concentration index of health-related sustainable development goals indicator using gross domestic product (GDP) per capita by decomposition analysis in Mexico, 2017

GroupNo.IndicatorGDP pcHealth expenditures pcGDP on health (%)IlliteracyPovertyIndicator description
A1Adol Birth Rate−0.043***0.030−0.022−0.0190.010−0.036Indicator 3.7.2: number of live births per 1000 women aged 10–19 years old
A3Alcohol Use0.047***0.0000.012−0.0030.0180.012Indicator 3.5.2: risk-weighted prevalence of alcohol consumption, as measured by the summary exposure value (SEV) for alcohol use (%)
A11FP Need Met, Mod0.091***0.0050.002−0.0080.0130.010Indicator 3.7.1: proportion of women of reproductive age (15–49 years) who have their need for family planning satisfied with modern methods (%)
A14Health Worker Dens0.111***0.0060.025−0.0030.0410.039Indicator 3.c.1: physicians, nurses and midwives, and pharmacists per 1000 population
A15Health Worker Dens Nurses Midwives0.106***0.044−0.014−0.0340.0580.049Indicator 3.c.1b: nurses and midwives per 1000 population
A16Health Worker Dens Pharmacists0.125***−0.2390.1820.208−0.0560.037Indicator 3.c.1c: pharmacists per 1000 population
A17Health Worker Dens Physicians0.121***−0.0630.1000.0530.0090.130Indicator 3.c.1a: physicians per 1000 population
A18Hep B Incid−0.045***0.020−0.004−0.0050.035−0.093Indicator 3.3.4: age-standardised rate of hepatitis B incidence (per 100 000 population)
A22Malaria Incid−0.652*1.284−0.742−1.091−0.6570.485Indicator 3.3.3: age-standardised rate of malaria cases (per 1000 population)
A23Mat Mort Ratio−0.064***0.0390.015−0.0320.019−0.098Indicator 3.1.1: maternal mortality ratio (maternal deaths per 100 000 live births) in women aged 10–54 years
A25NCD Mort0.029***0.0070.0120.0080.022−0.024Indicator 3.4.1: age-standardised death rate due to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes and chronic respiratory disease in populations aged 30–70 (per 100 000 population)
A26NTD Prev−0.130***0.0150.017−0.005−0.085−0.050Indicator 3.3.5: age-standardised prevalence of the sum of 15 neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) (%)
A35Skilled Birth Attend0.263**0.002−0.001−0.0020.0030.002Indicator 3.1.2: proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel (%)
A36Smoking Prev0.110***−0.0060.0140.0040.090−0.007Indicator 3.a.1: age-standardised prevalence of current smoking in populations aged 10 and older (%)
A39UHC Serv Cov Index0.042***−0.0040.0010.002−0.0050.019Indicator 3.8.1: coverage of essential health services, as defined by the UHC service coverage index comprised the coverage of 9 tracer interventions and 32 causes amenable to healthcare (scale of 0–100)
A40Under-5 Mort−0.075***0.031−0.008−0.015−0.004−0.073Indicator 3.2.1: under-5 mortality rate (probability of dying before the age of 5 per 1000 live births)
A41Vaccine Cov−0.148***0.004−0.0180.010−0.010−0.005Indicator 3.b.1: coverage of eight vaccines in target populations (%)
A42WaSH Mort−0.211***0.182−0.105−0.171−0.1360.006Indicator 3.9.2: age-standardised death rate attributable to unsafe water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) (per 100 000 population)
C20Hygiene−0.061***0.007−0.007−0.004−0.038−0.009Indicator 6.2.1b: risk-weighted prevalence of populations without access to a handwashing facility, as measured by the SEV for unsafe hygiene (%)
C33Sanitation−0.267***0.063−0.062−0.098−0.2430.111Indicator 6.2.1a: risk-weighted prevalence of populations using unsafe or unimproved sanitation, as measured by the SEV for unsafe sanitation (%)
C43Water−0.244***0.027−0.0180.000−0.164−0.076Indicator 6.1.1: risk-weighted prevalence of populations using unsafe or unimproved water sources, as measured by the SEV for unsafe water (%)
D12HH Air Poll−0.463***0.041−0.028−0.007−0.337−0.070Indicator 7.1.2: risk-weighted prevalence of household air pollution, as measured by the SEV for household air pollution (%)
E29Occ Burden−0.014**−0.002−0.0090.003−0.001−0.004Indicator 8.8.1: age-standardised all-cause disability-adjusted life-year rates attributable to occupational risks (per 100 000 population)
F24Mean PM2.50.047***0.035−0.021−0.033−0.0210.082Indicator 11.6.2: population-weighted mean levels of fine particulate matter smaller than 2.5 μm in diameter (PM2.5)
G6Child Sex Abuse−0.031***0.005−0.044−0.0070.0040.012Indicator 16.2.3: age-standardised prevalence of women and men aged 18–29 years who experienced sexual violence by age 18 (%)
G34Sexual Violence0.005**−0.0060.0070.0060.003−0.005Indicator 16.1.3c: age-standardised prevalence of sexual violence experienced by populations in the past 12 months (%)
H4Cert Death Reg0.048***−0.001−0.0030.0010.013−0.003Indicator 17.19.2c: Percentage of well-certified deaths by a vital registration system among a country’s total population (%)
J5Child Overweight0.084***0.0010.0170.0060.0330.003Indicator 2.2.2b: prevalence of overweight in children aged 2–4 (%)
J7Child Stunting−0.137***0.071−0.042−0.102−0.0850.036Indicator 2.2.1: prevalence of stunting in children under 5 years (%)
J8Child Wasting−0.035*0.005−0.031−0.0100.047−0.056Indicator 2.2.2a: prevalence of wasting in children under 5 years (%)
  • ***p<0.01, **p<0.05, *p<0.1.

  • NCD, non-communicable disease.