Table 1

Demographic characteristics of the study population, a summary of crop yield, weather and climatic variables

Variable (n=5219)Mean±SD or N (%)
Child factors
 Age, month29±17
 Male sex2586 (50)
 Height-for-age z-scores−1.23±1.48
 Stunted1529 (29)
 Malaria positive1557 (30)
 Deworming medication in the past 6 months2593 (50)
Household factors
 Wealth index quintiles
  Lowest1359 (26)
  Second1112 (21)
  Middle1047 (20)
  Fourth950 (18)
  Rural residence4352 (83)
Maternal factors
 Maternal education
  Less than high school490 (67)
  High school839 (16)
  Greater than high school242 (5)
  Missing648 (12)
Crop yield (kg/ha)
 Plantains (Matooke)3492±4539
 Sesame seed422±540
 Small millet1781±1726
 Sweet potatoes3849.62±17
 Temperate fruit5029±2719
 Tropical fruit6717±5625
Climate/weather variables
 2010 total precipitation (mm)1214±170
 2010 precipitation anomaly z-scores−0.03±0.04
 Aridity Index0.73±0.15
 Elevation (metres)1191±232